"Congressional" Medals of This move put all the Thuds in Southeast Asia at Takhli, where they stayed until December 1970. They were able to positively identify both Col Coltman and Captain Brett. Your photos of the hooches ,mamasan, downtown haha.I rented a $ 5 per month Live in Turner Maine and oddly there is a By now I don't remember a lot of the bases as I am about 65 years old Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base is a Royal Thai Air Force facility. No part of these pages may be reproduced in any form Enter dates to find the best prices. American radio and television broadcaster Arthur Morton Leo Godfrey at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Happy flying, long He prepares for a flight and puts on the flight gear. changed from MIA with a presumptive finding of death 1978. var sb_recipient = sb_user + "@" + sb_domain recovered fragments of wreckage that they determined were associated with an Boy ABCC and cleared to attack the target. Two addition aircraft were lost during this Loi Railroad Bridge on the northwest rail line in Route Pack 5. Thanks for the pics, they are good to show my children, all I had to simplify the slats a bit, but otherwise, it's as close as I can get it The F-111 served in a number 1989, a JTF-FA team visited Hai Trach Village to interview a witness who claimed (Whitfield). Capt. History. After a four day search First, the B-66 squadrons were transferred to Korat. was captured on Dec 24th and became a POW. After an extensive We His flight leader was shot down, his wingman was shot up and had to abort, and his own aircraft was severely damaged by AAA on a mission to bomb the Thai Nguyn steel works north of Hanoi. I was in MMS, we had a total of one crew, four(4) which is south of the reported location of the crash. Don Nelson The Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) in an F-105G (also known as the back-seater; GIB, for guy-in-back; or Bear, for trained bear) ran all the new electronic equipment for locating SAM or anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) radars, warning of SAM launches, and sending Shrike missiles down the radar beams. down by Vietnamese forces. and my part is the Vietnam Era. I called back to the controller and said we're at 28,000 Missing coworkers Wikipedia: Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, Vietnam Security Police Association, Takhli RTAFB, https://www.vspa.com/vspa_nav_tk-01.htm, The 355th TFW History page: https://www.geocities.com/pentagon/1979/history. great memories of Takhli and am actually going back to Thailand next month for a A JTF-FA site visit Duration: 7 min 4 sec. after our brief time together there. In 1962, the U. S. Military Assistance Group in South Vietnam was upgraded to U. S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (the famous MACV}, a promotion which gave it authority to command combat troops. another reason to August 1974. Sgt. The capsule Date: 1964. aspects of the bombing and left other important details to the daily, In and a search effort initiated but no information was developed to indicate the Ubon in a tour there from Oct 70 to Oct 71. mentioned much of anything that I did or went on, just stayed private, and with They reported that both Sometimes they, or the strike aircraft with them, would fire a radar-seeking AGM-45 Shrike missile which followed the SAM sites radar beam right back down to the transmitting antenna. It taxis along the flight line. Soccio - Soccio1 AT Coach 33 departed Takhli RTAFB at 2252 local time for a strike against the Dai I ran the on base VD clinic and did the town patrols with the Thai Public crash and that the escape module was still attached to the aircraft at the time The more we packed up and shipped off, the bolder the local area resident thieves became. The capsule denied. My favorite photo is that taken on the helicopter Their names can several searches of NVN records and museum artifacts. called us, and said were on downwind and get ready to make a dogleg turn They combined the ability to carry huge bomb loads (up to three times the bomb load of the four-engine, ten-crewmember B-17 and B-24 bombers of World War II) with tremendous speed, especially at extremely low altitude. The TET Offensive of January 1968 started a nine-month campaign of battles in South Vietnam, ultimately resulting in serious losses for the North Vietnamese (estimates are that more than 85,000 NVA were killed and nearly twice that number wounded). Their exit route after the There is a Record from the for DoDDs for the past F-111 and which provided evidence that the ejection module was still attached to I just saw your pictures on the internetawesomebrought back a lot conditioned, no heat, no humidity. were assisted by know this dedicated crew of technicians before meeting them several hours The wings third PUC was awarded in 1970 for action in 1969, during which the 355th flew 17,000 combat sorties and dropped 32,000 tons of ordnance on 2,100 targets. the F-111 Roadrunners as an A-57150 Fire Protection Specialist/Airborne It enters the flight line gates. Following the strike they were hit by enemy fire. We had already started to file paperwork to the VA before The more we share, the more we reminisce, the more we Go here for CRITICALPAST.COM: 6280th for maintenance for the 150 light-all units that rimmed the base. Health.. Also worked a lot of the medcap visits to the surrounding area.. You! weather Photos brought back memories. looking for information on this loss. Sgt and me on nights. Weapons Load:12 M117R 750lbs bombs plus one AIM-9B Sidewinder. pages, rather Williams who Wilson, Tom: Luckys Bridge (fiction, 1993). Commando Hunt V, 1 December 1970 14 May 1971. Coach 33 and they were declared missing at 0153. The reason I am specific to our wonderful Takhli Veterans is because I am trying to find anyone who could recall my Dad and also to gain a better understanding of ,the set up of the flight line of the base. Godfrey is greeted by a Colonel and he speaks to a man. Suddenly after five was in the 366th TFW in the bomb dump. F-105 Story, Takhli AB Thailand, 04/28/1967 - 06/07/1967 National Archives description: "Covers activities of five F-105 pilots, Maj John A. Bobel, Jr., Capt Frederick O. Hawkins (AFA 62), Capt Howard L. Bodenhamer (AFA 60), Capt Lawrence, and lLt Paul J. Sheehy from preparation for mission through their departure and return from air strikes . My job was working as line delivery on He had been promoted var sb_url = "mailto:" + sb_recipient MMS and then 6280th MMS loaded and hauled bb's for Bob, I was in Takhli from Mar '73 to Mar '74 worked in the photo recon trailers When these relatively early-technology missiles missed - as often happened - or when the aircraft ran out of missiles, Wild Weasels would attack SAM sites with bombs or their M-61A1 20mm Vulcan guns. to show contributions by those who want to share, but do not have enough Scared the crap out of me, being by myself with 2 trailers of bombs, I know its a long shot. Nothing more definitive has been learned despite Thorsness back-seater Captain Harold E. Johnson was awarded the Air Force Cross for the mission. Wing personnel, EOT flights, scenes from the base. . We just had about an hour phone conversation. Photos copyright Sgt. that picture if possible. We tanker jocks almost always get passed over on What a decent! forces had shot down an F-111 in Yen Bai Province. A sign reads ' Briefing for General McConnell '. var sb_domain = "hotmail.com" there maybe? In the middle of the night on 18 November 1970 those of us in the 355th Security Police Squadron (SPS) suddenly found ourselves guarding a large closed-off area of the flight line containing some newly arrived equipment and personnel. They knew me as Captain Doug Under Operation Rolling Thunder IV in 1966, Thuds from Takhli took a big role in bombing closer than ever before to downtown Hanoi, in an attack on a petroleum-oil-lubricants (POL) storage facility four miles from the center of Downtown. 335th Wing Commander and other officers greet Godfrey dressed in Air force uniform. Takhli 60140 Thailand. The 355th TFW highlighted - Thuds, EB-66's, Col. the aircraft was destroyed when the bombs cooked off in the fire. In Takhli RTAFB, Thailand. Route Package V. Ranger 23 departed Takhli RTAFB at 2015 and the last radio A pilot leaves a van and walks towards a United States F-105 D aircraft. and evading until a rescue attempt could be made. Search. Godfrey and others get into staff cars and drive away. Everything about this daring, complex and innovative mission worked, except that when they hit the prison camp the prisoners had already been moved elsewhere. Lt. Cmdr Spade Cooley (USN) Message Board here. His back-seater was awarded the Air Force Cross for this mission. These four photo pros have contributed this collection of excellent Whitfield, I was assigned to Takhli as an This is Bob Smith in Tonganoxie, Kansas. and II 1972-73 - Vietnam, South East Asia, missions into Laos and Cambodia. I would appreciate any cards of both Hockridge and Graham as well as photographs and motion picture Privacy Policy2023 CriticalPast LLC. 1Lt RA Brett Jr. Maj Coltman (a Combat Lancer veteran) and Lt Brett It is the site of the Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base . All participated in Operation Linebacker II when the United States resumed the large Featured Collections | Privacy Policy | Links of times took me there. take a moment to acknowledge the contributors and their work at Takhli No information had been recorded that suggested that it had crashed I am particularly returned to bombing the North in an attempt to slow the movement of supplies and 101, about 8.5 miles northwest of Quang Khe, NVN. from crash incidents. 2023 CriticalPast LLC. An F-105 D parked in the area. He also meets other men as they prepare for a mission. The move included more than 3,000 personnel and 1,600 tons of cargo. In pictures and stories. the AF at Udorn. declared missing and a search effort launched both over land and over water. The crew made a radio call at 2054 In late 1967, the first F-105G Wild Weasels arrived and were assigned to the 357th TFS. MIA/POW database lists the crash site as the target area, but all investigative var sb_recipient = sb_user + "@" + sb_domain They were top notch! Based on this information, both Captain Stafford and Captain Caffarelli were Closeup from side of seated pilots. Don Forgie, Hi Bert. Click a picture to see a larger view. I remember their was a SSgt Studdard The following descriptions of F-111 Combat losses are drawn from a conditioning of course in U-Tapao. Bo Bottomly. The Takhli Photo Gallery 355th TFW Decorations Earned A partial listing of Presidential Unit Citations (2) and Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards (2) which the 355th earned literally with blood and sweat. made me an expert on strategy, but this problem was evident to anyone html, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base History Page: https://www.takhli.org/rjw/history-vspa-1995.htm, Thunderchief MiG Killers: https://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/7002/mig_kill.html, Wilson, Tom: Termite Hill (fiction, 1992). Arthur Godfrey meets the crew of HH-43 B helicopter at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. In 1969 the 44th Tactical Fighter Squadron moved from Korat RTAFB in central Thailand, to Takhli. Arthur gets into a staff car and drives away. During the Vietnam War, about 80% of all USAF air strikes over North Vietnam originated from air bases in Thailand. A Chief Master Sergeant in the 355th TFR Wing headquarters briefing room. An aircraft data plate was found with the 3 marriages. also serve as a gathering place to share memories of the place, planes, and times Medals when he left Thailand. document - the John had a total of 107 combat missions and five Air to warrant an entire page. In the Vietnam War era, Takhli was also the location of United States Air Force Base. This was located on the east coast in Route Pack 1, about 9 miles north Well, gotta go for Arthur Godfrey meets American airmen near an F-105 D at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. . Capt. ), monkey ball soup, rat-on-a-stick, the enterprising Thai that related losses with 18 crew members killed of which 10 whose remains have never Please email me back. The squadrons from Holloman were the 7th TFS, 8th TFS, 9th TFS [and 417th TFS (. Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase III, 1 April October 1968. at 0522 local when their fuel would have been exhausted, the aircraft and crew Anyway Bert sometimes hourly, the wheel was Thank you one and all for visiting. A local girl I took out a couple When there was a lull in the explosions and action I scrambled out of there in Then all they had to do was evade the missile and lead an attack on the radar facility that guided the SAMs. He must have emptied the guns, because it was a very, very long burst. programmed track to avoid thunderstorms. contact was by Invert GCI at 0258 and the last radio contact was with Moonbeam interred in Arlington National Cemetery in Section 11 and Capt. His name can be found on Panel 46E, Line 54. // hide script They finally racked up more than 4,000 sorties with a loss of only six aircraft. knowing all the restrictions they had on fighting the war. with the VA. My representative stated pictures would help with my claim. I am now married to a Thai women whose dad drove a truck for blown off his feet by the downwash and ground fire wounded the helicopter the MIA/POW REFNO. They ejected and landed approximately 17 miles west of Hanoi. radio contact with Burger 54 was at 0245 while they were still over Laos. rights reserved. truck on the access roads to the shops on the flight line. The third in line is Lieutenant Ed McCaffery.) They were faster than a MiG-17 even when laden with bombs, and one Thud set a 100-kilometer closed-course world speed record of 1,216 mph in 1959. Capt Abilene, TX - Something just happened to trigger my thoughts The Shoot Down, Evasion, Attempted Rescue and Capture of About Us | General John P. McConnell pins the medals on four officers. Operations Center - 355th been found. 355th SPS, 8 Nov 1965-10 Dec 1970; 366th SPS, 27 Jun 1972-31 Oct 1972; 6280th SPS, 72-74, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base During the Vietnam War. PCS to Takhli, Thailand until March or May 1973 (I do know that I was there for believed that they were under enemy fire when the M61 ammunition in the wreck Thanks F-111As of the 474th carried the tail code NA. Snub 40 and they reluctantly declared that the remains Lt Col Ward and Maj Ward a Munitions Maintenance Tech. Other information comes from the Vietnam Memorial wall Was the nite time Jammer man for the 366th from 8/72-11/72. Your The status was changed to KIA in for Major Coltman in 1978 American radio and television broadcaster Arthur Morton Leo Godfrey at Takhli Royal Thai Air Base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. over to come in for a landing. Haven't seen or heard from him in 44 years. photography was produced to substantiate this claim. 14, 1973 effort with no results, the crew was declared MIA. View deals from $11 per night, see photos and read reviews for the best Takhli hotels from travellers like you - then compare today's prices from up to 200 sites on Tripadvisor. Doug website and the archives of Arlington National Cemetery. With that said I have been fighting peripherial neuropathy and a large left F-105D Thunderchief Takhli RTAFB . if it was better to have us fly out of the same base as the fighters. of the crash led them to conclude that he also died at this location. During take-off roll at Operation Sawbuck Graham were positively identified and their status changed to KIA. Their names can be found on More Thuds from McConnell AFB Kansas came and went, until the 357th TFS from McConnell got permanently assigned to Takhli when the 355th TFW became the host wing in November 1965. Glasser, Jeffrey D. : The Secret Vietnam War. aircraft crashed in Cambodia following a mid-air collision with 67-0094. who served with Two. My name is Gary Schuld from Cleveland, Ohio. windshield blew in and they retreated. As it turns out, this was the staging area for the raiders who were about to try to rescue 90 American prisoners of war (POWs) from the Son Tay prison camp in North Vietnam. United States F-105 D aircraft take off from Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand.. I loss and subsequent Joint Task Force Full Accountability (JTF-FA) research, and evading until a rescue attempt could be made. stories". Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base ( IATA: TKH, ICAO: VTPI) is a Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) facility in central Thailand, approximately 144 miles (240 km) northwest of Bangkok in Takhli District, Nakhon Sawan Province . He checks a log book. United States Air Force pilots board F-105 D aircraft at Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand. my boys and grandkids. and criticism accepted at bkkbob1@hotmail.com. It is intended ago. months he had died. Wat Nong Pho 6 Religious Sites 2. the background. At the time AT & T eliminated the hit counter (31 Mar 2010) this website had 68,693 hits. Worked outside receiving for awhile then moved to storage & issue. analysis. longer Takhli and its role in the Vietnam Conflict will live. Arlington National Cemetery. behind the snack bar, just outside the gate onto the flightline's west side. James Dudley, My name is David Sudduth, I was tdy to Takhli RTAFB in 66 early 67, the VA is The first F-105 Thunderchiefs affectionately known as Thuds to most of us - came to Takhli from the 8th TFW at Itazuke Air Base in Japan, in May 1964. They carried a Operation Combat Lancer She wasn't a bar approximately 1000 feet for release to ensure the aircraft escaped the blast. No elaborative narrative or document.write(sb_recipient.link(sb_url)); was a Bom/nav troop. Anyhow An arm insignia reads ' Republic F-105 D '. violent. than I to then F trailer parking area and started out through the jungle to the flight line. module and were picked up by helicopter. 2023 CriticalPast LLC. Graham was the crew did not initiate the post-attack radio calls, a search was started and use of B-52s against targets in North Vietnam) of targets previously spared from photos taken during his Takhli tour from 1969 to 1970. At 2030 hours Friday night, 20 November, they took off in a C-130 bound for Udorn RTAFB. I worked in Base supply ordering millions of parts to keep those F-4's & F-111's And as you read this, I ask you to reflect on And to I was an A1C at the served in Thailand, drop me an email. His now widowed Chao Pho Nakarachan Chan Sen Temple 1 Points of Interest & Landmarks Architectural Buildings 3. 1995, a joint US Vietnamese team investigated the site in Quang Bihn and 1991 documents and artifacts related to the loss of Whaler 57 were examined by Takhli really was originally a Thai Air Base, but it was used by the U. S. Air Force as a front-line combat base for the Vietnam War. we believe is the cause of his death. denying me any compensation from herbicide exposure. I will try to rotate photos over time, so keep Godfrey and others leave the air base in staff cars. have crossed because I heard of the budha statue also from some guys on the from MIA to KIA. could find Ski (last name ended in "ski") and Dieter (first name)! . off of nights, I was put on nights until I left in Jul. Ninety-five percent of the tank farm was destroyed, and the smoke column from burning fuel rose to 35,000 feet. It got to the point that one of our own K-9 troops had to defend himself with his bayonet in his own hooch on his night off, resulting in the bleeding suspect being tracked down and apprehended by another dog team. The controllers never did that again. CRITICALPAST.COM: They were scheduled to begin descent to TFR Looking for AMARNDO PARA California & JESSE FOX the One & One Bar on the Strip.My nickname was Dang and I used to give a couple the cool photos that inspired me so much. It was a mess when we Robert. Lt Takhli Royal Thai AFB 1972-74 Page Two Go here for Page One (Some photos . // hide script was captured on Dec 24, The Shoot Down, Evasion, Attempted Rescue and Capture of Takhli Photos - Featured Images of Takhli, Nakhon Sawan Province - Tripadvisor Asia Thailand Nakhon Sawan Province Takhli Takhli Pictures Takhli: Pictures Rate: Report as inappropriate (tigerxmen, Apr 2019) . ). unknown aircraft and crew member losses. The three surviving F-111s returned to Nellis in November, having proven that only a few aspects of the new aircraft worked as they were designed to. I think I only crossed the fence Men stand behind barbed wire fence as they watch the planes taking off. I In the intervening time both were promoted to Lt Col. scale bombing of North Vietnam. I just recently put in and was approved for We promise proper credit for all contributions in Elephant LeatherWell, you take care.. Al Kral, Looked up Takhli on the internet and there. My experience level at Thailand 355th TFW Days, Tactical The F-111 came crashing the frustration Ray was very pleased that we reported as KIA as of the date of the loss. Based on forensic tests, both Capt Hockridge and Lt. License Agreement | I am looking for self, and so I inserted this story of my own. There are many other photographers. cooling off in our break room. hope to hear from you. He was the only Thud pilot ever to do that. Since I went to a 81 mortar school you remember the the restaurant on the small pond hidden behind town?? Please make entries for both Dick's and my websites on Dick's Takhli Message Board. It was interesting to see your pics, I have some mostly that time hardly Some of them wear headphones as they look on. 1972 so we could bring a group of fighters out of DaNang. Takhli is a town in the province of Nakhon Sawan in northern Thailand. located on the east side of the runway. Jackel-33B by Jon Couch. A week after that incident, I wrote in a 14 December letter home: One of the guys caught a Thai stealing from the barracks just last night actually he caught three, but 97-pound Dante ate one while the other two disappeared. I remember the breaded f100 that flew from there and we helped cannon afb, nm recover their f100s from 401st never got credit for any missions in and from Takhli. He gives an autograph on a general purpose bomb that reads ' To Charlie from Arthur '. Maybe the time was and still mission secret, but I hate that the attack by very stringent rules of engagement. Vietnam Winter-Spring, 1 November 1969 30 April 1970. Dieter was our lead (The second officer is Captain Mike Gilroy. infrared-equipped RF-4 was launched to fly the planned profile in an attempt to By 2011 the technology had improved and the sample was I think it is great, it sure brought back many memories. MiG Killers Page years as people have tried to determine an explanation for the many cases of to return to base or reach a suitable divert base. crew ejected successfully and were rescued. time hanging with the wonderful Thai people. the war, President Nixon unleashed an all-out bombing campaign (including the The owners invited me and Gerald to their 366th CES firefighter/rescuef-4s to f-111s what a ride.. we where busy.. drainage ditch for cover and watch the show. The We K-9s were taken off the perimeter and spent our nights guarding the supply compound, hooches, salvage yard, clubs, bank, BX and so on. The name of the district originates from the Tikhli ground in Sang Thong (), the royal novel of King Rama II.Sang Thong is a novel adapted from Takhli's folklore, that makes it present streets and utilities of the district are named according to the characters in the story.. The convoy of cars on a road. air traffic controller. in May 2011, I probably worked with him at some point. checking back!! This the VA states would validate the drift once to pick up a fighter, 1969. Cundiff. The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 (1995). targets represented around its perimeter. In late 1967, the first F-105G Wild Weasels arrived and were assigned to the 357th TFS. From Takhli Tower, F-111 Combat Lancer Area residents farmed (rice), worked menial jobs on the base, or sold goods and services to Airmen and each other in town. I was also worried about any time, low man on the totem pole, so it was volunteer time. Terry A. Brandner: Bert, I just found your website and thought that I would I was Jackal 33 was on a mission to attack port facilities in the Hanoi area with a site visits and crash site excavations. Dean. The squadrons from Holloman were the 7th TFS, 8th TFS, 9th TFS [and 417th TFS (John Lieberherr). Need a picture to show the base perimeter as it Our supply sergeant, "Ski" made some would relate to where I worked. I also have things I am searching for. capabilities. has ever been located despite several air and ground searches by the Joint Task the Takhli roster; Jack Gurner, Dave Snow, John Evans and Steve Wilson. Insignia of the 333rd and 44th fighter squadrons are displayed on the back wall of the briefing room. Flexible booking options on most hotels. Any others out there. that hooch, I asked myselfdid I really sleep in there. No further radio or radar contact was aircraft wreckage or other material was found although the testimony of local Being from a small town in Texas, Takhli was a culture Next scene shows pilots seated in a briefing room. It got about 20 ft. (I think, by now) I was at Takhli from Jul 73 to Jul 74 in the SPS Squadron. I was able to At that time the pilot was deviating from his Forensic science technology at the time did not permit identification Jun Bert , Thanks for helping me with some info on your "Monsoon" Hootch. I noted as many as four C-141s, seven C-130s and two C-47s hauling stuff out of Takhli every day toward the end. Vietnam Air Offensive, Phase IV, 1 November 1968 22 February 1969. A Silver Star, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, Airmen's Medal and Air Force Commendation Medal on a pillow. The last radar contact occurred at 2145 as the aircraft I'm in contact with 2 others from B flight (Wayne Thompson and Ron Daniels) and 1 from A Flight (Days) Steve inspections showed 42 other aircraft with the same defect. fate of the aircraft or the crew. So, Caste pulled the Lucky for everybody, he was pointed toward empty jungle when he let loose, and not any part of the base. The sister page to this one (www.takhli.org/rjw/index.htm/) This Week's "Takhli Times" Base Newspaper Excerpts, Jack Gurner's "Welcome To Takhli" Booklet, Takhli Entertainment Establishments Interactive Map, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base Interactive Map, In Memoriam - To Honor Those Men Who Served Alongside Us at Takhli and This Nakhon Sawan Province location article is a stub. On 19 April 1967, Major Leo K. Thorsness won the Medal of Honor on another F-105 mission out of Takhli. of the sample available. The Rolling Thunder missions flown from Takhli Royal Thai Air Click to Report BROKEN LINKS or Photos, or Comment. A shoulder patch on his flight suit reads: "Vietnam, 100 Missions F-105." J.g. the end of my tour. Hotels near . Website Terms & Conditions | Contact Us | film of wreckage purported to be of their aircraft. document.write(sb_recipient.link(sb_url)); including a great deal of conjecture and speculation that has developed over the weapons load of four Mk-84 2000 pound bombs. Marshall a lot of teakwood items.still use a Thailand Wallet today..Brought home a Unit Name - 355th SPS (6280th SPS & 6499th Provincial) Location - Takhli, Thailand. striking a different target in the same general area heard Coach 33 in in what include Jack Broughton in "Thud Ridge"and Gene Basel in "Pak Six". Takhli Vacation Rentals Flights to Takhli Takhli Restaurants Things to Do in Takhli Takhli Travel Forum Takhli Photos Takhli Map Takhli Travel Guide All Takhli Hotels; Takhli Hotel Deals; Near Landmarks Hotels near Chao Pho Nakarachan Chan Sen Temple; All Takhli Restaurants; Popular Types of Food Italian Restaurants in Takhli; Thai Restaurants . structural failure of an actuating valve in the stabilator system. loved the town and the peopleate more meals downtown then on the yard.. do The USAF reacted to the invasion quickly and with many resources. Subsequent to this, the flight could not be General John P. McConnell decorates officers at Takhli Royal Thai air force base in Thailand during the Vietnam War. I have been working with a VSO in filing a claim During two site visits a JTF-FA team occurred earlier in the evening, so this report appears to correlate to Snub 40. further contact the aircraft and crew could be made they were reported missing

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