He was the founder and host of Prophecy in the News. Iran, Turkey, Sudan, and Libya are the countries to monitor in addition to Russia. So often have we encountered Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses, for prominent examples, who are not prepared to listen objectively to what others have to say, though they are fully ready to declare their doctrines. To avoid the deception of the cults, we should be rooted in the teachings of the historic Christian faith, and receive Jesus Christ, God the Son, second Person of the Trinity, as Lord of our lives. Register now Is this your nonprofit? As a result of There is one God. Jesus Christ is God presenting Himself in the flesh. It is said he believed in papal supremacy. Jonathon Cahn Interview Part 1. Truly I say to you, There is no man that has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for My sake and the gospels sake, but he shall receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions, and in the world to come, eternal life (Mark 10:29-30). shows with them, Ive seen both of them in action and I am absolutely Its There are those, both men and women, who claim they are the reincarnation or physical manifestation of Jesus Christ, in and of themselves, excluding all others. The former is the rock on which His church is built. and state police, and former/present day members of the F.B.I. Gary Stearman promised J.R., before he passed away, to continue his ministry and work with his wife, Linda Church. They have their religious lives, usually on Sunday, or Saturday, and they have their secular lives. How ludicrous to make such a denial and claim to preach from and only from the Bible as the final source of authority! (Figure 1) and Linda Kay Barnett (Figure 2) would attempt to tackle. Those kinds of legalists were His greatest vexation and enemies. falsely thrown at them. It is not a matter of what is right or true to them, nor is it a matter of what happens within their organization. But darkness will never comprehend light, so it will make accusatory statements of those things done in light, such as we have seen by these examples of Scripture. Paul: If your eye is not single on God, Jesus said, how great is the darkness (Matt. So how can you tell if those presumably gathered together in the Name of the Lord are looking to Him, or if they are gathered as a cult around the Bible, using it to justify doing their own thing even unbeknownst to themselves? the telephone operators at PITN named Carol, and she was telling me how Youth for Christ is such a cult. Craig Keener. See, do not do it! 5:00PM EDT 9/24/2014. Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove (2013) In and of himself, no man does good. They are not heartily confident that what they believe is the solid truth of God, though they will deny the fact ever as strongly as Peter denied the Lord. I could While many Jews would say that this necessarily disqualifies Jesus Christ, they say so because they do not receive Him as The Anointed One, the Messiah, and God in the flesh. A Church Father is anyone who (1) taught orthodox doctrine and learning, (2) possessed holiness of life, and (3) had a certain antiquity. About this we can say several things: One, God is the Ultimate Authority, and unless He opens the eyes, a person will not see the Lord Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth and the Life in the Bible, His Record Book. God forbid that they should rebuke or reprove anyone. I turned out to be the pastor to the very person who led me to the Lord. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Nor be called teachers, for One is your Teacher, even Christ. Yes, she says goodbye to her latest station PIX11 after more than two decades of a professional career. My words dont even enter one ear, much less leave the other. Would you not rather be loved by them? 3 years. I def recommend it , he has some good interviews in relation to prophecy stuff and grey areas of the bible .I also love his intro before each episode , that seals it for me AHAHAHAH. In the beginning He sent out His disciples and apostles, who, being raised as Jews and knowing the Law, did not have or use images, and likewise taught the Gentiles to abstain from the pollution of idols. Paul said to the men of Athens, a city full of idols (which are the product of men making God in their own image): Then being offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like gold or silver or stone, engraved by art and mans imagination. For I have come to set a man against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. It has been used against us. How could there not be devastation? Description Prophecy in the News is a religious organization or church in Oklahoma City, OK whose mission is: Christian ministry. Read Diabolical Doctrine: Jewish Worship Practices Are Important to Keep. The Holy Spirit delivered five long pages of DETAILED information regarding the Three Days and Nights of gross darkness. Ring," Fort Wayne, IN; "The Open Forum," Teague, TX; "Old championed the cause of Christ in their day and age. went extremely well because of all the work these 2 ladies and their teams 7. How demonic! Quick Bible Study Subscribe 1. Any name will do. For over 40 years, Prophecy in the News has been at the cutting edge of prophetic interpretation. In the broadcast, he shares ancient prophecies of the Bible with his friends all over the world. And they recognized them, that they had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13). Catholicism: And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he who shall humble himself shall be exalted (Matthew 23:8-12). Path Ministries," Attleboro, MA; "The Lou Epton Show," Everything False religion is man-made. What is it? You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. Every Monday and Friday afternoons from Noon to 1:30 PM EST, we examine breaking news and current events in light of bible prophecy.. MONDAY AT NOON: Every Monday at Noon we review all the latest news and events related to bible prophecy, and examine what is happening in light of what is written. CRI: What are some ways we can know that a certain group is in fact a cult? No, our purpose here is to identify the subtler, more prominent, deceptive, and therefore the more dangerous and damaging, culprits. in the Try a cult. They call such a building the house of God, a sanctuary, temple, shrine, tabernacle, or a church. With these, they have sacred furniture and furnishings, such as altars, statues, pictures, pulpits, pews, paraphernalia for The Lords Supper, crosses, steeples, arched doors, vestments for clergy, choirs, and other participants in religious roles and exercises, other religious objects and accoutrements. And on top of their usual of our Christian faith. and telephone calls from many, many individuals proclaiming how much of But seeing the boldness of Peter and John, and perceiving that they were unlearned and uneducated men, they marveled. Terri McInnis. Today we hear from Linda Church. The older something is, the more legitimate and authoritative it will seem to the world, to carnal man. If another shall come in his own name, him you will receive. Many imitate the one-time foot-washing parable the Lord demonstrated to His disciples, and have made a ceremony of it. Those in error are afraid to hear the truth, lest they should be further confounded. NEVER have either Old or New Testaments even hinted of valid prayer to, or worship or reverence of, any person other than God Himself. The Trinity is a pagan, man-concocted explanation for God that denies the Scriptural testimony given to men that there is only one God, not three gods in one. All this is news to me as well but Gary Stearman is on the prophecywatchers.com website with Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli and other guests. (2014), The We were all utterly ashamed of Him. ProphecyUSA host Rick Pearson interviews Rabbi Jonathon Cahn concerning his two books The Harbinger and The Return of the Gods. One dresses and glorifies the old nature. Important Message from Linda Church: Overnight, a storm came through Oklahoma City and caused a power outage across parts of the city. Protocols And the Jews marveled, saying, How does this man (Jesus Christ) know letters, not being taught? (John 7:15), And when He had come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to Him as He was teaching, and said, By what authority do you do these things? One of the most devastating experiences someone could face is to have a loved one involved in a cult. him with the Gospel. interviews, please contact Doc Marquis @: docmarquis777@yahoo.com To keep their jobs, hirelings must be politicians. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. All of life was a concern, the entire world was the focus, and that included all ages, races, both sexes, and all walks of life, rich and poor, slave or free, sick or well. Paul: The roots described here are the teachings and traditions of men, not of God. Of them is it written: For men will be self-lovers, money-lovers, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unyielding, false accusers, without self-control, savage, despisers of good, traitors, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it; even turn away from these (2 Timothy 3:2-5). These things dont apply to Him! But read what Jesus said to His disciples: Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you. Once when trying to reach my father, he said to me, I was born a Catholic, and I will DIE a Catholic! He did. Of these is it written: And the nations were full of wrath, and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the dead, and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth (Revelation 11:18). Linda Church Married To Jim Dolan and later they divorce. Copyright 2021, All Right Reserved MARRIEDCELEB. Again, in church they were still high-profile Christians. Are they encouraging alternative education, particularly that which God teaches? I was raised in the Catholic Church. From August 6, 2015 Unless we are children of Obedience, we are ruled by the devil, whether we discern him or not: Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2). For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:17-18). Who then might those many false prophets be? severing his ties with the Illuminati. While they met, prayed, worshiped, baptized, and preached, they did not indulge in, or promote it. Latest breaking news headlines and see how the news fulfills Bible prophecy today. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:12-14). I hereby present a practical and truthful definition, and name the primary true marks of a cult as it commonly exists, not according to opinion, tradition, religious bias, philosophy or any other thing, but according to Jesus Christ/Yahshuah HaMashiach and Holy Scripture. They show themselves to be of the world in their ways and thoughts. areas of victim-abuse recovery, S.R.A. Not all cults have this mark, but many do. He urged His followers to strive to enter in, saying few would be able to. Before her retirement, she had forecast the weather for the Emmy Award-winning PIX11 Morning News since the show's debut in June 2000. You want mind control? If of God, would they walk contrarily to Him? Paul: And He said to them, Come aside into a deserted place and rest a little. Television To contact us or to submit an article, click here. They went to see if they could talk to Him. On the other hand, there are those who, in the Name of Jesus Christ, or otherwise, reject the authority of the New Testament, some condemning Paul the apostle as a charlatan, and some or all of the books as spurious, tampered with, or not inspired by God. DVDs. When she concluded her lesson with an invitation to receive Christ, Terry and I responded. I never heard any "gossip" so when I saw this it surprised me. gobsmacked at how they, on a daily basis and with such great consistency, I have such a burden for the youth of today it has been said for generations. There are only two churches in this world, the false one and the True One. They are not men of God. She now personally needs your help. Though we should provide you with the clearest and most apt description to discern who is and who is not a cult (which we will), will you believe? The children of God never persecute anyone, but are ever persecuted, one way or another. While the false church is of this world, the True Church is the New Jerusalem come down from Heaven, composed of the true saints of God. across the country and using public forums to expose and educate the public Will you help her today! Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, WATCH: After Resigning 'Prophecy in the News,' Stearman Launches 'Prophecy Watchers', Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. Cults, in the main, according to our definition, are seldom despised or ostracized by society. There are those who say that the Old Testament is no longer relevant, that it was only for the Jews, that Jesus Christ has made us free from the Law and the prophets. They err. How can you believe, you who receive honor from one another and do not seek the honor that comes from God only? (John 5:43-44). Jeremiah Johnson, a 33-year-old self-described prophet, was one of the few evangelical Christians who took Donald J. Trump's political future seriously back in 2015. [1] In 1963, Church was the founding pastor of the Wayne Avenue Baptist Church, located at 5505 Wayne Avenue in Lubbock. CRI: If a religious group exhibits one or more of the marks mentioned above, that group may well be considered a cult. Would Jesus and His followers observe these things? However, it is quite specific and outstanding, and when one thinks about it, quite peculiar. One can read The Restitution of All Things section on our site regarding this matter. It is not about honoring other deities, but of worshiping Him. In the first half of this writing, Victor will give the true definition of a cult, by which you will be able to identify who really is a cult, without doubt or reliance on subjective guessing and labeling. Dictators of the Illuminati (2014) If a religious group exhibits one or more of the marks mentioned above, that group may well be considered a cult. For me, on a personal note, these 2 men are a phenomenon, Some cults will have many of these marks, others fewer, but cults will have at least one or more. these two men on a personal level, Ive done around 15 20 Let it be known that the true marks of a cult that are illustrated and illuminated in this document constitute the mark and number of the beast spoken of in Revelation. All the references at the end of the chapter are to "the beast," not "the beasts.". went extremely well because of all the work these 2 ladies and their So much for man pleasing. It is impossible, for this is not a work or choice of man. Victor takes the Super Apostle Detector test, also answering how the Lord would respond to such questions according to the Scriptures. There is little concern for individual thought and development. The world, which lies in wickedness, cannot. Stearman is joined by long-time friend and partner in . How easy is it, however, to join the Body of Jesus Christ, the true church? Many do not. This is pure anti (instead of) Christ. PROPHECY IN THE NEWS, INC. in Oklahoma | Company Info & Reviews Company Information Sponsored Links Company Contacts J. R CHURCH Incorporator JERRY R CHURCH, JR. Incorporator LINDA CHURCH Incorporator Reviews Write Review There are no reviews yet for this company. Cults place an emphasis or value on various externals, such as clothing, hair length, communal living, beards, and religious articles to be worn on their person, such as crosses on their necks and lapels. 10. Who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Five times from the Jews I received forty stripes minus one. Is this not a sure sign of arrogance and ignorance all rolled into one? Her greatest legacy is her example of selfless sacrifice. Dr. Kevin Clarkson John the apostle, in the Book of Revelation, testifies to the wrongness of worshiping saints. I have known several that were lax/lazy in their business practices, there were consequences, they asked for prayer at church that God would do something about the bind they found themselves in, and my eyes would roll because it was obvious to anyone who knew them why they were in that bind. Family, school, leisure, sleep, and even food are most often neglected. He served as the Pastor. What a grief to God that men vaunt themselves in this way! Did Jesus need a license from Pilate, to be slain by him? The next day Peter was brought before the council, and declared that the healing of the man was done in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One Whom those present had rejected, as Peter interpreted according to Psalm 118, which says, The Stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the Corner.. Hmmm doesnt it seem that one should begin with the original apostles and not the alleged successors? And they parted their ways in mutual terms. are constantly being thrown at them is because the While it displays superiority, or a special quality like, We are the original, it does so in the Name of Jesus Christ, Who said, If any among you will be great (or first), let him be your servant (or last). Did He say, If any of you will be great, let him be first?. He condemned mens works. To take on a name is to say, We are special. But try to tell them. Why arent the Biblical prophets or the apostles Peter, John, James, Paul, and others ever included with, or named instead of, those in the list? It is all about mammon. ISWAP Kills Pastor, Herdsmen Slaughter 134 Christians in Nigeria. He is the Spirit of Truth. Here is a piece of the record: And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. Doc Those plying money out of people for the work of God are charlatans. "Coast The doctrine of eternal torment is a prevalent one for most Christian cults. (For the Pharisees, as well as the rest of the Jews, follow the teaching they received from their ancestors: they do not eat unless they wash their hands in the proper way; nor do they eat anything that comes from the market unless they wash it first.

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