Ok, now you have a shaved had. Let me know I'll pass them along, but Monaco have first wag at him, but you'll definitely be on that. The two discuss white privilege, the Capitol protestors, and their opinions on why the 2020 election was so close. Now you came over the other day. Accuracy is not guaranteed. I was fucking hideous and. I'm fine! He was really really wake you. I wrote some poems I'm putting them out. I too much, moving to a non ranch home. That's a big win for me, but it's okay! I think as I'm twenty six, so you know once I kind of garden to the point of like having. Prince Harry talks to Dax Shepard on the 'Armchair Expert' podcast | CNN Prince Harry says growing up as a royal was like being in a zoo By Jack Guy and Rob Picheta, CNN Updated 5:29 AM. That's a true story. They provide access to online consultations with licensed medical providers who, if appropriate, can prescribe customizable skincare treatment made to target specific adult acne concerns. You want to go further and high diarrhoea. Though, do you want to sing about that resentment for the next ten years? I have some all sure why codes which right hundred hundred pounds. I have time, let's do dad and it's funny realizing like how many qualities that you have like unintentional, absorbed or inherited and qualities that you know you perhaps resent in one of your parents and somebody sent, in yourself and you're like well. this year for a child to do all my friends. I do it and then, and it's out of preset temperature I like, and then I just wash those hands, no problem, it's glorious, I'm so excited Halsey, Halsey Ashley Number, my name. I've never thought of I've, actually never calling the cop. My people get a decent, are running and share in that kind of feeling, and then there is also this, amazing sense of your walking on stage in front of upwards of twenty five, thousand people, and you know that every single person in the room already likes you because they thought a ticket. You know, I think-, it was in the last couple years. Transcripts may contain a few typos. out of your life and whatever, and it's like what is the life laughed, but also that's kind of why in the quarantine I like have started getting my shit together, because the beginning of the process is really hard. Now, it's something like if you can put up with me. worked out the Vienna, so that's important if you ever read fear of flying. Yeah. I feel great, you know, and I'm not gonna bore you too much. One of the first signs for him is like I drink too much and it's a problem, but I'm ok, yeah, like every song prior to that like for me all the seventies and eighties Rock, is about fuck and fight for your right to party. It reminds me of what we say in AA, which is alcoholics and attics. They say: that's when you ve arrived in Hollywood, ok I'd! No, maybe not, maybe not. Well again, let's not as hot there using their tongue and their palette? I cannot wait at an end. Just in your research, yeah, yeah, yeah and I've held on to it? It's like a phantom limb yeah. She turn now you're, absolutely right. Yes. Robin joins the Armchair Expert to discuss losing his home to the Malibu fires, his time on set of Growing Pains with his dad, and getting his first recording contract at 16 years old. It teaches you how to condense your personality into like a really digestible and concise thing at a young age. It's like I've had girls with boyfriends, whose boyfriends would tell me that my boyfriend cheated on me with their girlfriend and I'd be like thank you, but take that home with you. sugar, cookie, vanilla and made. girl, so you are seven years older than her. civil disobedience, their books before experienced in the real world. I mean it was, just one afternoon like you're, going to be a bad purchaser of something, if you're in love with it. There was once a time where I would have fought, you to death, not anymore more. I can't all ok, some people can. Her notifications, just blasted us, but we're good we're good we're good, I'm! Yes, yes, let me add: thing with a car in the vaping to look at this. I, I should feel something I I don't going to write about it. you're Adam Movie Theater, you can't move seeds and your seat mate. I guess for billboard. Oh yeah, I was terrible. Is there anywhere we can get transcripts of the episodes? It just in the Eu S alone, you been stream six billion times. So there's literally nothing to lose by giving mug is a try. Anna ANA, whose has re Anna reorder, says it ring. You know what I mean. What I was writing. We will celebrate, above all, the challenges and setbacks that ultimately lead to growth and betterment. Halsey is a Grammy Award-nominated, platinum-selling singer songwriter. wake up and need or want anything right, never wake up and I'm a damn it. You know they be, would be a there's, definitely a lot of work to be done in music and it's a hard conversation. You now like something must be deeply wrong with you inside. have we already talked about. Welcome, welcome mountain armchair expert, I'm Dan, rather I'm joined by Monica Monsoon Emmy nominated three times decorated three times Thrace times decorate eyelash, not as an economic aegis, thrice times decorated. I was already mourning the loss of the the person that I was with it taught, You're really valuable thing just gave me that real fucking reality check that I needed, and I think it probably did the same for a lot of other people too. I do I was about the biggest production, television. Yeah, there's a lot of shit in here that I'm fucking terrified about being out in the world. Look at you! I'm willing to accept this, but I certainly need more information. but I like your voice or go no. That is a matter as that you'll lay on the tongue. Ever it's packed fresh and ship frozen and vacuum sealed. a box on the street in the center of the apartment, complex and begins, morning mail away into a hundred and fifty different little boxes. I think it, backfired on my dad being that way, though, because I remember when I was like thirteen, I was living in Jersey and, I wanted to go into Manhattan by myself and my parents were like no, it's not fucking happening, not a chance, so I made a power, point. I took three days to write about it and when I read it I was like hey I connected to all the emotions I was not connecting connecting to and then be understood it for the first time. Let's go shortly, everyone's doing that, but just, what a revolution harry thing now that in music people are really telling the reality of two or at least voicing their concern, or they now in pops beset, it's such a difference. He was so cute. It's it's. season to celebrate moments of wonder and discovery and with key we co seriously fond and innovative crates. Rushing hygiene reviews. I've never heard that yeah. continue. Dax admits that if he met Jane, he would try to groom her. Ah my saw, maybe hopefully, said, does anyone here really have halitus system than and then someone said yeah me and that there were no alleys there, because those of you get famous for being in a halitosis commercial and then people meet you, they would be like. You got the whole package. Chad joins the Armchair Expert to discuss his experience at Morehouse College, how isolating code switching can be, and his journey to embracing who he really was while working at Google. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. One thing you forgot to ask is this: is the notes session why her name is hot? I wanted to write and wanted to say that I didn't feel comfortable having attached to my face, he's when I sing it's coming out of my mouth and attach to me- and it's like its through the lens of all these- a preconceived notions that everybody has of me through my music and like the public's inability to like separate a character in playing and who I, You know what I mean: there's a pseudo anonymity to writing. or use promo code Dax, you wrote, a book of poetry called, would leave me if I could any anywho. We lived in twelve or two. people have known since you are young, you watch them grow up. I'm, Lenny alike. I like sacks, because you don't want to subscribe to the belief that you need to be self destructive to create, but for a while if fucking worked and I look at sea, like you know, my biggest records were ones and all this stuff, and I try to write songs about being happy and like fulfilled. Oh my god, you're sitting outside your house market. No. Accuracy is not guaranteed. I'm looking. either? Transcribe your podcast [00:00:00] Welcome, welcome, welcome to armchair expert experts on expert boy, do we have a tasty expert today. I was this like internet, thing that happened and there was a lot of them at the time, but none of them- and you went to number two right, I'm going to say it for you, I like to brag for you, so I went to number two yeah. RSS Loading. Lady terrible year of my life, yes rates with, isn't that so called, intuitive, I'm sure like zero to sixteen year like off, I felt sexy in, bore interested in me. What is even the point of anything you know that was about the process was like. Rabbit whole. If I dont do it with you, you're gonna go. I think my favorite couple ever is Sarah Paulson and Hon tail. Relationship. Oh, my gosh, I didn't I'm not doing exactly alike, I am in circles, the gum itself. More than a decade of sobriety, a degree in Anthropology and four years of improv training. I got right, we spent around and crush my sneakers rocking up and down on my toes, I would call one piece of hair around my finger. rational. It's. I was going to try to be Bukowski, so this other side. Oh that's, weird. George discusses how underestimated the role of encouragement is, that self-remonstration is the enemy of art, and how writers block is having artificially elevated expectations of yourself. Thank you. Were you aware that that was a paradigm shift or that this was new? Which is basically like just take what you can, and run like hell right, like the only objective, was to turn some product moves them units and make some money, and I totally bought into that- and I have been confronting it for a long time, but you're dead, saying that he passed on to you like. Those letters must not mean any have seriously, in the same category as a Tom's or on my laptop. I think my elementary school, copy line. If you dare this, podcast is, Howard by Energizer maker of ultimate lithium, the number one longest lasting double a battery in the business. I'd also argue that you. Can I ask you a question? Most people are also deserving of my undivided attention. We are supported by both your box. That's why I love MAX music, so much we're talking about writing about the bad and writing with. I sure am speaking, of musicians, MAC Miller, building day job. I get the stairs in, those then I'm gonna have to climb a flight of stairs. kinship I completely cleansed my life and it was like. I know for me personally, writing about stuff gives me this epiphany, I don't usually even understand what I'm writing about until I'm kind of done, writing about it and that our look back on the song and go. Look at this ridiculous. The struggle, and I found this girl. People can still talk to you while you're doing it, that's what they kind of avoid and they still talk to me while I'm taking a dump, it's just. While I thought of the answers, I was slide my tongue between my teeth in the windows where they were missing in between every mailbox. Thing could not be your fault. Now it's this and just you know all these life rafts, you hope, will break you out of that thing and then they generally don't. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. No, I thought Lincoln was thirteen, I'm sorry. p m, you know, maybe you he'd some food. There asked if my friend was sick, the impostor. We're. We have this thing too, where we look back at pictures of ourselves when we were certain we we had like, we were terribly out of shape and were ugly and I'll look back and go. You, because you're, a loser, kazoo like me, can literally then you're fucked insisted cycle not to shift gears to dramatically, but I do think it's interesting that you say at seventeen is when you kind of had this budding into womanhood and feeling attractive. In bedroom mansion with servants- and I was eleven- a three bedroom ranch style in a cul de sac and I don't even, a car. Oh ok, I got my sexiness was a soup, power. Thank you. Most of their deals, that's, started out with her like a couple million dollars. This is why I should be allowed to go into the city alone is because of this in this. so in the thing, but did you originally fantasize about being a writer yeah? Is that something girls do actually movement, I've never seen it you have it now. who do in public? We listen to haul now you're talking to me and you're, like you, can't, listen to her way, the opposite, their dad's, a one. Maybe you knew it. She was born in fourteen exactly yeah, so she was December of fourteen, and this is October. Are you good? Probably the years later, I dug it up and was reading it. I remember you said you guys. I also got the makowski vibes because he was a male man and so Lukowski yeah yeah, it's great where he worked in both service. Sure so, like I'd come home with writing that I had done and be like beat this and they would like you know, pick it up and be like yeah. It toast? come slashed acts. tease and everything. So I wonder like what age were you when it occurred to you like that? He had some porn weren't me as an important part. Talking to me is if we gotta keep a secret in mind, years are located in my mouse, and I think what my money. My proof is that the people who have it don't know because they're not modulating the distance that they talk to you, but some people have held the toast and they are brushing their teeth absolutely, and they're using Listerine? We, U R her grandpa! So when they're thinking anything we offer, this gal is going to be such a huge win for her, poor yeah, I'm super super poor at the time and beyond poor like live out of a duffel bag. Sampler with six grass FED grass finnish state, now here's how it works. I think, because it puts a positive connotation on a heinously, tragic event, but it gave me the courage and the faith, to leave the relationship I was in. Now? May 1, 2023. And it's on me to figure that out so it just you gives you a different set of glasses, just very just very probably, and probably not, and I don't, of course, at the time didn't realize that transformation had happened. Instead of walking into a room and being like, I bet I could fuck anyone here, you're young. There is no spark like bitch fucking call your doctor. Galileo. I think it was like. I don't. the way that I am as a performer today, because every time I move to a new place, I invented a new persona yeah. When the election, I know the pythagorean theorem and I had read three hundred books from the public library plus. How about a blue Christmas is that on the one not so far on the list, we can add the word flat how, whence is so embarrassing? Aaron looks great in a beard, Monica tells Charlie that his arms look smaller, and Dax reminisces about a time when he thought hed never be able to have sex again. at twenty-one years old and how being a fourth-generation actor helped keep her grounded. That was a good look. I mean we sold one hundred and fifteen thousand copies of the album in the first week. You should be sad, which was the second lead single off my last album and the hook of it is. I think there is actually more than this, but, my father's old cars. I know why she picked recalls, because the boy friend she had that was too old for her. I knew kids in, junior high that they would swallow a ton of air and then produce farts. In my life, where, like I haven't showered didn't we, having a blanket over my head, it's like three in. navigated artfully. I q or you can just tap it with your elbow, turn it on, and then you don't have to sit on the plates would messy hands in turn on and get the false messy and then have to be worked on the vast. You go home and it's hard to remember what feelings are yours, because so many of your feet, things are manufactured I'll, go home and be like. I've been dealt. I don't ever need to know that I have no interest. I ever had my life because they got divorced. I move through the world very much like eighty percent of the people, trying to fuck me, it's not going to happen on my watch and came to find out years later. Minimum subscription required for certain products required, in consultation with the health care provider who will determine of prescription is appropriate. My great obsessions is as a kid scene. Certain restrictions apply, visit, Energizer COM, Dax for full terms and conditions. Well, we won't say who the other competitors were Pepsi. They are made with proprietary Denham that is so soft and flexible. But I do, but can I call you to production? No, this is probably a published work. Is your pizza slice and she'd stay her tongue out and it was a perfect triangle? Fifteen. Walter Isaacson is an American author, journalist, and professor. I did not have, this idea, but it just crossed my mind and zero pressure.

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