"I think we're going to see a repeat of last year. "When I got back to the beach they were doing CPR on [the victims] and then they dropped the [rescue] helicopter but it was not going to happen, they weren't coming back.". An inquiry into how the boat came into trouble has been launched by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC). He spoke to his petty officer, then to his divisional officer, and fi nally to the commodore directly, pointing out that the ship was off course and that safe passage lay to port. TAIC's marine investigations are generally taking more than a year to complete. Make sure that everyone on board is wearing a lifejacket and is awake. ; Talk to a local about the bar conditions. Practise some tight turns in calm water to make sure the steering is responsive. Main feature, twin Yamaha V6 300's with Helm Master EX. "It gives you a reminder that you do need to be pretty careful out there," said Keane. Practise some tight turns in calm water to make sure the steering is responsive. Once you make the decision to go over the bar it definitely pays to carry on straight into the swell; if it's dodgy, go out and turn back in, running straight with the swell. Then the force of the water would punch a deep trench, opening the bar like a burst dam. Local boat owners were dismayed. As a road now offers a morereliable route into the area than thesea does, coastal ships no longerhave to contend with crossing thebarand just as well, as the channelregularly silts up, sealing the lagoonfrom the sea. Manukau Coastguard president Peter Van Rooyen says call-outs number between 20 and 30 per year, with around 120 people helped or rescued, down considerably on the average 120-per-year incidents that that used to be the case. He said the mood was sombre back at the beach. But they did it the wrong way. A man (23) was airlifted to Auckland Hospital and three bodies were recovered after a boat overturned near the notoriously dangerous Manukau Heads bar, on Saturday afternoon. winds till crossing the Line, at midnight on the 3rd December. I dont wish to be a witness to someone in mortal danger and be powerless to help. An inquiry into how the boat came. But beforerescuers could reach the strickenvessel, the mizzen mast fell. . Local boaties have been thanked for their "heroic actions" in helping to recover three bodies from the water after a vessel overturned near Manukau Heads and the notoriously dangerous bar. "Twelve years ago, the Commission recommended that the Ministry of Transport address this issue, and we're still keen to see it happen.". The gorgeused to be a 30 m-deep trenchthrough which the Waiho Riverdrained the Franz Josef Glacier. In I*2l south, when she had a of light variable . He makes a decision. Here's some footage of us doing a bar crossing on Queen's Birthday . Make sure your boat is capable of making the crossing. An inquiry into how the boat came into trouble has been launched by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC). Between1840 and 1933 it accounted for a totalof 43 ships lost, and countless othervessels suffered minor groundingsand damage. NZ Fishing Worlds Forsyth Thompson has fished the length and breadth of New Zealand. Crossing at high tide is best (but always take the weather and swell into consideration too). No situation warrants takingthe risk, so if in doubt Stay out.. Sand bars form whereversediment-carrying currentsare forced to slow downand drop their load. Trying to cross this in any boat can be extremely dangerous in fact, some of NZs worst maritime disasters have occurred when vessels have been swamped going or coming back over a bar. Sand bars that form at the mouthsof rivers are called river deltas, whilethose that form in estuaries andharbour entrances are called tidaldeltas, a name that reflects the roleof tidal currents in their formation. The Manawatu bar appears to be in a bad state, there being only 6 feet of water on it at high water. If the old entrance were to be kept open, the breach would have to be closed. I have mixed emotions watching these large vessels slide effortlessly in from sea. Leighton should never have tackled the bar in those conditions. Log a bar crossing report with Coastguard by calling *500 on your mobile or contacting Coastguard radio from your VHF. Otago Daily Times Thursday, 27April 2000. Operating the dredge was hard work, yet community volunteersmany of them elderly retirees who, Wintle says, could hardly shift themselveskept it going 12 hours a day. Manukau Bar is dubbed as one of the most dangerous in New Zealand. The rise in water level killed allthe gorse, which wasnt a bad thing,and the tutu died as well. Othereffects were less beneficial, however:the inundation caused septic tanks tooverflow. For the Kaipara baryour boat needs to be minimum five metres in length with a 90 horse power outboard. The incident happened at about 4.40pm when the boat with four men on board overturned at Manukau Heads, at the entrance to the harbour. The river takes control of what the sea has passed it, carrying the vessel onto the rocks. The fourth man is in a moderate condition. Now the men tumbledout of the shrouds like so manybirds eggs from a falling tree. If you are heading in you could wait for conditions to improve by trying to cross at high tide when the tidal flow is at the lowest and theres more water over the bar. Combine all these conditions and you end up with what the locals call "the washing machine", breaking rollers with white-tops of a metre or more, coming at you from four directions - swell-driven, wind-driven, tidal-driven and then rebounding off the sandbars and sharp cliffs that drop to the entrance. Wednesday: Northerly 15 knots. When you make a Bar Crossing Report, you'll be put on a SAR (search-and-rescue) watch of anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, depending which bar you're crossing. In November 1990, the old entrance closed entirely. Check the weather within 12 hours of your boating trip. As a final indignation, the seatears your clothes off.. Crossing the Manukau bar Scott Warrender .Scott Warrender 33 subscribers Subscribe 7.4K views 2 years ago Entering the Manukau bar via the South channel on an out going tide with minimal. That year, the Waikato land wars were looming, and Orpheus was sailing to Auckland with soldiers and stores to assist Governor George Greys military effort. We headed out from Whangaroa Marina in the far north of New Zealand on Nautilus Charters in search of some big snapper to test out the new reels and they performed flawlessly! build the bund and helped it secure thenecessary council consents, say thatinvading sand from the spit would have Unlimited access to every NZGeo story ever written and hundreds of hours of natural history documentaries on all your devices. Crossing at high tide is best (but always take the weather and swell into consideration too). One person has been seriously injured in South Auckland after a Saturday morning brawl, police have confirmed. The Manukau, Papakura and Waiuku Coastguard groups combine to hold a Bar Crossing Awareness Day twice a year to instruct and inform members of the public who intend crossing the Bar on the dangers and what to look for. Manukau heads Bar crossing Jude Fernandes 9 subscribers Subscribe 30 11K views 6 years ago Out fishing across the Bar Check the Currents coming from all direction . You will have more control, and more time to rectify any problems, if sitting right on the backside of a forward-travelling wave. It was re-opened once more, but again soon became choked. This record which stretches from the 1830s through to January 2010 when a five metre runabout was rolled while trying to back out of an intended bar crossing and a prison officer on board was killed. On this day, February 7, Edward Wing, the harbourmasters son, was manning the station. Two especially difficult ports lay within harbours on the North Islands west coast: Manukau and Kaipara. On June 29, for the first time in 18 years, the tide flowed through only the historic northern entranceand it has done so ever since. The Seafood Sustainability Awards are a great chance to recognise outstanding contributions to sustainability from right across the sector aquaculture, iwi, recreational and commercial fishing as well as research and innovation. But having talked to people who have known fishermen killed crossing the bar, I have no desire to join them. Chief executive Callum Gillespie is urging Auckland boaties to be prepared, as hundreds of vessels - numbers matching peak summer levels - were seen out on the water yesterday. Get a real feel for the bottom of New Zealand at Stewart Island. In 2001, the Maritime SafetyAuthority, concerned about thenumber of vessels capsizing whenattempting to cross bars at harbourand river mouths, producedthe National Code of Practicefor Bar Crossings. Breaking news about fatalities on bar this afternoon. A fourth man, aged 23 remains in a moderate condition in Auckland Hospital. First thing tho, gotta negotiate the bar. Police confirmed the three men were aged 54, 61 and 70. The BullerRiver flows past me, fast, thick andbrown. Hapuka, crayfish, and incredible scenery on this epic fishing journey. ", Always check the swell, tide and wind conditions every crossing of the Manukau Bar is different because of these factors. Always try and cross the bar during daylight hours. Make sure that everyone on board is wearing a lifejacket and are awake. Crossing at high tide is best (but always take the weather and swell into consideration too). Ensure that you are carrying two forms of communication that work even when wet. Log a bar crossing report with Coastguard by calling *500 on your mobile or contacting Coastguard radio from your VHF. Does anyone knowwhere the love of Godgoes when the wavesturn the minutesto hours? Im suremany people inGreymouth andWestport have askedthat question.. On board are settlers from Dunedin, eager to start a new life in the month-old settlement of Jamestown. Make sure that everyone on board is wearing a lifejacket and is awake. Current Hazards. The society built a dredge, which they named Spirit of Mangawhai, and started to shift sand from the northern end of the harbour to form a bunda protective wallacross the breach. This was purely because of the number of shipwrecks. Between the harbour and the sea lies a sand spit, now covered in dunes. Always try and cross the bar during daylight hours. To assist ships as they crossed the bar, a semaphore station had been installed on the northern headland. Keep an eye on the rod tip to ensure the line isn't tip wrapped. All Coastguard units are on a pager system and on call 24/7, 365 days a year and when the pager went off for this incident it took 35 minutes to reach the stricken vessel in the south channel at the Manukau Heads. Some locals come to the tip heads when its rough to watch the fishing boats do this. have been thanked for their "heroic actions". Crossing at high tide is best (but . His body was washed ashore three days later. Recently, a training exercise left one member with a broken leg and another suffering. However, he was concerned to see the ship approaching to the south of the safe channels. The AT network was inundated with cancellations this morning on multiple routes. Photo / Hayden Woodward. He said larger boats already moored at Huia came out to assist. That was an ecological disaster. All three crew died in that accident. I was onstandby to relieve a crew memberwho was out at sea fishing. Make sure the ratchet on the reel is engaged. They generally move away, which can reduce the number of chicks reared.. Personally, I won't go over the bar unless the wind has been blowing nor easterly for a few days and similar offshore conditions are expected during the trip. Something went wrong while submitting the form. The mouth of this massive harbour is just 1800m wide, from the tip of the Awhitu Peninsula to Paratutai. Thursday: Northerly 20 knots. A diver and kayaker have also lost their lives since alert level restrictions eased in Auckland, allowing residents to participate in water sports. As the open water becomes shallow, waves can become steep and dramatically increase in height. Tuesday: Northerly 20 knots, easing to 10 knots in the afternoon. Current Outlooks; Submit Report; Daily Briefing; . It also helps to reduce traffic on the VHF Radio with our radio operator numbers limited with the current restrictions, says Coastguard CEO, Callum Gillespie. 78 McLaughlins Rd, Manukau City, Auckland, New Zealand DDI: PO 09 215Box 3278 76065, Mob: 021 902 370 Email: michael@transfleet.co.nz 78 McLaughlins Rd, Manukau City, PO Box 76065 . He followed a larger boat as it took the bodies back to shore and said emergency services performed CPR but they were pronounced dead. The Manukau Harbour has a fearsome reputation, many souls having departed this world in its waters. On the day or days prior to planning a trip offshore , check the conditions, as you can usually tell how bad a bar will be by checking tides, swell size and direction and winds. When I arrive, the surf is poundingand the sky is grey. This happens in placeswhere the current is impeded orslowed, typically by the cross-flowof a river. Westport is a busierport than Greymouth becauseof the transportation ofcement, manufactured fromlocal limestone. Geologists estimate that in thepast three million years the uplifton the eastern side of the AlpineFaultthe tectonic boundarywhich has created the SouthernAlpshas been 18,000 m. Withouterosion, Mt Tasman, NewZealands second-highest peak,would be five times as high as it is. . Get a Coastguard membership today for peace of mind when youre out boating. Okarito lagoon owes its existence to the barthat forms its seawardflank, and the bar isformed and replenished by materialeroded from the Southern Alps. "The fall in incidents must be attributed to the educational programs provided by Coastguard Northern Region and the fact that there seem to be a tendency for people to take better care and maintenance of their boats now," Peter told NZ Fishing World. The man said he felt "let down" by their response. "If you were going to pick a place where an accident was going to happen, it was going to be that day on that bar, and I felt they should have had a boat there all day," one man said, who the Herald has agreed not to name. At that time we came out through the heads more . If you don't close your report within 15-30min we'll launch our search and rescue procedures 4 . Many experienced boaties have got into difficulty crossing a bar and each year, boats are damaged and people are killed or injured when attempts to navigate bar crossings go wrong. Manukau Coastguard have had their own dramas on the bar. The larger the river, thegreater the deposition. Figurehead Hunt Widens Auckland: The search for the figurehead from New Zealand's worst shipwreck has spread to England. The toughest job was moving the lengths of steel pipe used to suck up the sand slurrya task done by hand with the aid of planks as levers. Manukau Volunteer Coastguard Incorporated (Manukau Coastguard) Maximum persons on board: 11 12 Date and time: 4 March 2009, at about 05461 31 May 2009 at about 20152 Location: Taiharuru River entrance Manukau Bar Persons on board: crew: 5 7 Injuries: crew: 2 seriously injured 3 moderately injured one broken ankle, 6 other minor injuries He urged boaties to remember to check the weather conditions, pack lifejackets and two forms of communication, and to put in a trip report or bar crossing report with Coastguard. Even container ships aren't immune from the power of the waves over bars. The skipper then steered the boat back out to sea and the vessel immediately stopped taking on water. . When it comes to crossing the Manukau Harbour bar the difference between a good time out on the water and tragedy usually comes down to how prepared boaties are. Innovision Boats 2021 Featuring the IV707 Explorer, Fly Fishing for Big Browns in South Island New Zealand, Testing the Scott Centric #5 and #6 weight rods on big South Island Browns, Soft baiting from the rocks - tips and techniques, Motiti Protected Fishing Areas from 11 August 2021, Buccaneer Boats Factory and Woodbine Marine, How to set up the perfect nymph indicator, Soft baiting for monster trout in the South Island. A police spokesperson said it was a "good thing" the five people onboard the boat on Wednesday were wearing lifejackets, but reminded people to check the weather forecast before hitting the water. The salt content fell so low that greatbeds of shellfish died. Spoil from the Waiho and otherrivers is carried northward alongthe coast by longshore driftacurrent which results from the refractionof waves hitting the shoreat an angle. The key is preparation, going when easterly winds have flattened the swell or at least straightened it out and smoothed the waters, and learning to read the waves. In total, Mangawhai residents moved over a million cubic metres of sandan astonishing effort for a small community. It is also a very productive harbour and the waters just outside the heads and up the coast towards the deep water Kaipara Trench hold everything from marlin and mahimahi to hapuka and bass, along with giant snapper and kingfish, oversized Kermadec kahawai and the biggest gurnard you'll find anywhere. For days she has been cowering from gales in Milford Sound, some 30 km to the south. He has little room to manoeuvre, and his ship is being buffeted by a heavy westerly swell. Accidents since include the swamping of the boat Tobamoray in March 2005, sunk by a five metre wave, the inquest finding the boat had insufficient reserve buoyancy and that what buoyancy compartment there was allowed water in. The numbers themselves are soundings, showing the depth in fathoms (one fathom = 1.83 metres). Weather Forecast Office. Despite the risks of sea travel,by December 1865 Okarito boasted33 stores serving a population ofnearly 800. You can log a Bar Crossing report by calling *500 on your mobile or contacting Coastguard radio from your VHF Radio and providing the following information: The Coastguard Radio team will put you on a SAR (search and rescue) watch for between 10 and 30 minutes depending on the bar youre crossing. Pay attention to the engines, the hull and the communication equipment. Police confirmed the three men were aged 54, 61 and 70. "That's a big day in the summer, never mind in October.". Soon the breakers forced the ship around until she was broadside to their relentless pounding. Burnett ordered the boats away. Spearfishing for Yellowtail Kingfish and Big Snapper in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand in Spring. If the Southern Alps werent beingworn down at such a rate theywould be Himalayan in stature. In the past few years it has been satisfying for them to find rare dotterels and fairy terns breeding on the bund and sheltering among the thriving pingao. ; Contact Coastguard on VHF immediately before you cross and when you've successfully crossed. Manukau. Which bar youre crossing (including whether youre heading in or out over the bar). "Right now, authorities encourage self-reliance, skipper responsibility, and safety awareness through education campaigns for boaties. Our boat a 6.8 Buccaneer has. 2 drowned; 2 rescued after hours in the water.. Of theships complement of 259, 189 died. Join Flyn Jack on his travels to the magnificent Milford Sounds deep in the far far south. The key to crossing the Manukau bar, then as now, was to follow one of three deep channels that cut through the great curving sand banks reaching out from Manukau Heads. A fourth man on the boat, 23, was airlifted to Auckland Hospital and is recovering in moderate condition. One who has seen the fury ofthe sea more times than he caresto remember is David Mather. The long-planned Erebus memorial in Auckland will no longer be built at the Parnell rose gardens, due to damage caused by recent weather events in the city. 66 F. Out at sea he could see the square-rigged Orpheus approaching under full sail. The Manukau Cruising Club, the Manukau Sportfishing Club and the Laingholm and Huia Fishing Clubs all have numerous members who have completed the crossing multiple times and if you intend to become a regular bar-hopper it would be a good idea to join one of these. If it looks a bit rough, stop! "You've got to have respect for that bar, it's probably one of the most dangerous in the country.". "We are getting prepared for it and we would ask that Kiwi boaties do their bit by getting ready for it too.". Holcim, whichowns the cement works and theships used to carry the cementaway, controls the port andregularly dredges the bar. Withinthree years Jamestown was a ghosttown. "It's about making sure whether you're diving or kayaking or in a boat that your equipment is good and well checked and it hasn't rusted or become ineffective through the winter. They want to interview witnesses and see any photos or videos taken of the incident. "Coastguard probably should have had someone out there, but I know it's all voluntary and it can be tough.". Witnesses can email TAIC at info@taic.org.nz. If you would like to see the old One New Zealand Rewards terms, you can the archived Rewards terms here.. "On that bar it turns. Location: Franklin. Issued: 10:58pm Sun, 30 Apr. Rig up with at least 6/0 game hooks and a 60 to 120lb trace. Coastguard has been . The breaching of the sand spit had itsorigins in the loss of its vegetative cover. You can choose your time to scoot over it once the whitewash has subsided. "The tragedy at the Manukau Bar with the loss of three lives over the weekend is a horrific lead-in to Safer Boating Week," said Deputy Director Sharyn Forsyth. Police, along with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, Maritime NZ, Surf Life Saving NZ, Coastguard and St John Ambulance responded to the incident. In the future, it is possible thatthis process will reverse and the seareclaim the new coastal land in anequally short time. Ensure that you are carrying two forms of communication that work even when wet. He said it was hard for everyone involved. Unpredictable and treacherous, New Zealands harbour bars are the mariners dread. Emergency services were notified that a boat with four people on board had overturned near Manukau Heads. The incident occurred on Te Irangi Drive in Clover Park, police said they were called to the scene after receiving reports of a disorder incident involving "a large number of people". They were clinging to the bow of the boat that was just poking above the water when they were spotted by the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter crew. And despite that, New Zealand's worst maritime disaster occurred on February 7, 1863, when the Royal Navy steam/sailship HMS Orpheus carrying troops to fight in the New Zealand land wars was rolled after taking the wrong course and grounding on a sandbank. Youd have a job to see an eyebrow on the water. If something goes wrong, you wont have time to put a lifejacket on. Originally the spit was forested, but with human settlementgoing back perhaps 800 yearsthe trees were burned, and later felled, and stock introduced to graze the rough sward that took their place. A boat with four men on board was overturned in the bar crossing area. Reports from the Manukau Heads state that the wind has dropped, and the sea on the bar has moderated, though it is still very rough.. A team aims to recover any wreckage of the boat and to scour videos or photos of the incident. Yesterday Coastguard Chief Executive Callum Gillespie told the Herald they were alerted to the incident by police, and helped to try recover the vessel with no success. Her cannons tore loose and careered along the deck, crushing many. Flooding also affects the white herons in a major way. Tip for crossing a bar * Go out within three hours before high tide. Our drinking water is taken from artesian wells in the lagoon. Haines Hunter SF485 Sport Fisher walkaround, Stewart Island with Josh James - Kiwi Bushman, Catching BIG snapper on softbaits: SIMRAD Sessions, Kingfish on livebaits - Moocher Hunters NZ, New Suzuki Partnership for the Moocher Hunters Team, Pro tips: How to catch more fish with soft baits, Pocket Maps - NZ Walking Access to trout rivers. ; Everyone must wear a lifejacket. The Hollyford wasnt the only treacherous port entrance European settlers wrestled with in the latter half of the 19th century. As Orpheus rolled, her anchor snagged thelaunch and lifted it from the water,throwing its occupants overboard.None survived. Everyone should stay in the centre of the boat to help with stability; keep one person looking out for trailing waves that could swamp the back of the boat. While the captain, Thomas Brenchley, waits for the tidal stream to ease, ominous clouds build up over the mountains and the barometer falls. Police, along with the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, Maritime NZ . Plan your trip to ensure tides and weather are suitable for both the outbound and inbound trip. Information updated 23 Jan 2023. The key to crossing the Manukau bar, then as now, was to follow one of three deep channels that cut through the great curving sand banks reaching out from Manukau Heads. Ona single day in the 1880s, 14 oceangoingvessels left the harbour on thehigh tide, and for many years theport held the record for both thevalue of its exports and the dues paid. One local man who saw the recovery operation unfold 100m from his boat said the capsized vessel was "in the worst place in the harbour to be" and he is glad an inquiry has been launched. He was involved in formulating the Maritime Safety Authoritys code of practice and is committed to educating fishermen about it. Photo / File. Important safety guidelines to follow. Here's some footage of us. In the last year Coastguard monitored the safe passage of 21,000 boats across New Zealand harbour bars (including 7,000 at the Manukau bar) using its Bar Crossing Service. Coastguard Boating Education runs theory and practical Bar Crossing courses, covering everything from visual observations and safety precautions to strategy and what to do if it all goes wrong. In a mountainous country without roads, sea travel was the primary means of communication and commerce. Some of the best fishing can be found outside the confines of a harbour. Written by Allan Uren To understand how a bar can affectthe lives of local residents, I visitthe West Coast town of Okarito. A wave smashed over her stern, sending a cascade of water down the length of the upper deck and washing men off their feet. The deaths have been described by Coastguard as the worst tragedy on that body of water in many years. Run a full check on engines and batteries, and replace old fuel with clean, fresh fuel before setting out. Always check the swell, tide and wind conditions every crossing of the Manukau Bar is different because of these factors. Photographed by Graham Charles. He mentions Leighton Forrester, a fisherman of 30-odd years who died a few years ago while crossing the bar. A bargeand tug from Australia are bringingin a load of gypsum for the cementworks, and will depart laden withcoal. Part two of this series covers some of his best spots in the Far North and Bay of Islands. ", "Wear life jackets because when you're in the water it's too late to put the lifejacket on.". No one died in the wreckof the Esther Ann, but thesettlers lost most of theirbelongings and, crucially,a sawmill they needed to build theirhomes. Reluctantly, hetells me of an incident. He had informed Coastguard Radio of their intention to cross the Manukau Bar, what channel they were crossing and how many people were on board. Once over the bar safely close your bar crossing report. If in doubt, don't go out!Source: Coastguard. The impact broke the windows of the cabin and water started rushing in, she said. For instance, if time is running out to fill the quota on a particular species, a fisherman may try to cross when conditions are marginal. In Canterbury? Police said they are continuing to work with Maritime New Zealand to "understand the circumstances leading to the deaths", and are making inquiries on behalf of the coroner. The Top 10 Wash Fishing Tips to Help You Catch Big Snapper. Sand was blowing into the harbour, gradually filling it in. Rating 1-3: Bad Poor and possibly dangerous conditions such as strong winds & a big swell height 2-3+ metres. For example, for the Manukau bar your vessel will need to be able to make at least 20knots without struggling to keep up with waves, and we don't recommend any vessel under 5.5m in length attempts a bar crossing. Stunning new Tristram 821 Offshore dream rig, Entries open for the 2023 Seafood Sustainability Awards. Your submission has been received! Coastal engineers Andrand Robin LaBont, who advised theharbour restoration society on how to He steers a fraction too close to the shore and is momentarily stranded on the spit. But Esther Ann is no longer his to command. To the south of the river mouth is a long sand spit; to the north, a rocky headland. Tell someone what your intentions are," Peter explained. The skippers experience and the vesseltype should be taken into accountwhen a bar crossing is considered. Gillespie said boat trailer manufacturers are already being "worked off their feet". A white line of foam markswhere the treacle-coloured riverwater meets the green sea. Barnes reckons that dryweather on the Coast pushed thefigure up. Their mistake was to try and turn in the washing machine. Safety tips for crossing the Manukau Bar Always check the swell, tide and wind conditions - every crossing of the Manukau Bar is different because of these factors. This record which stretches from the 1830s through to January 2010 when a five metre runabout was rolled while trying to back out of an intended bar crossing and a prison officer on board was killed. julius boros obituary, martin bryant interview 60 minutes, peta approved vegan brands,

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