I love you Frank.. and I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you. Thanks for the info on it. Is It Ok for Cats to Play with Or Chew Wool Dryer Balls? Apr 28, 2015 at 3:23 PM. There are several reasons why a cat might eat liquid fabric softener. I heard some heavy breathing and found the cat with a dryer sheet lodged in his throat. To avoid any accidents always be sure to close the lid or door on both machines. They're terrific, although they can leave the clothes a little staticy compared to dryer sheets but I work with it. If you think that your cat ate a dryer sheet or drank some liquid fabric softener, it is essential to contact your veterinarian immediately. If your cat ate fabric softener, call your vet immediately. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners usually contain harsh chemicals called cationic surfactants. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. My cats used to do the same, but I don't use the dryer sheets any more. Fabric softeners, both in liquid and dryer sheet form, can be very dangerous for your cat to ingest. Cat Articles | If you do not have a laundry room with a door that closes, then the chemicals should be secured up high and behind secure cabinet doors. When clicking a link here and buying, we may be able to make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. The silicone coating on the dryer sheet will help soften the food. M. Miss_Angel05. What to Do if Your Cat Eats Fabric Softener, 10 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs. Dryer sheets also contain synthetic materials, which dont break down in your cats gastrointestinal tract. If you must use fabric softener on pet bedding, be sure to use a pet-friendly product. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Should I Use Dryer Sheets when Drying a Cat Bed? Fabric softeners are formulated with various proprietary chemicals that fall into these categories. In many cases, GI obstructions need to be removed surgically or via endoscopy. The best way to prevent your cat from getting into your dryer sheets is by keeping them locked up. Some people think that since the fabric softener in a dryer sheet is dry that it cant hurt their cats. Merck outlines the use of fluid therapy and activated charcoal to combat the toxic effects of cationics. Curious cats and kittens can get into all kinds of inappropriate items around the house. My sweet boy Frankie passed away this morning from ingesting dryer sheets. YWYxNjZjN2I1MGYyZWZlN2JmZDc4ZWYwY2Y5ZmE2YWRmNDE5ZDk4N2ZkODRj NWY2MTMxOTg5NWJlMjQ1ZWEwOTU4YzEyOGE2ZGIxZjg5OTczNTUwZGQyODYx NmQ2NmI2ODQ1MjhkNDY2OTgyMDAyYmU1ZTJiOTg0YmE1MzljMzlhNzlmYzk4 MTU1YWNiNjdkOTliNTkyMTk4ODU2YmIzMjBjZjc1MzQ2NDkxOTg1ZjgwNzky This helps us offset the costs of running this site, so thank you for your support! I was woken up in the middle of the night by my cat playing with a used dryer sheet. How to Safely Dry Cat Toys, Cat Beds, and Cat Blankets. The dryer then puffs these clumps up and thats when you notice them. I advise everyone to keep dryer sheets away from your pets. Depending on the situation, your vet may recommend you bring your cat into the animal hospital for treatment. Mjg0Y2E5M2UzZGI4NjY5MjA0MTkzMzQ0ZjZiZDM5ZjMxNTY5N2I3ODNkZTAz The caustic chemicals can lead to irritation and ulceration in the mouth and GI tract. The hilarity of the moment might be replaced with concern when you consider the amount and types of chemicals applied to dryer sheets to accomplish their intended purpose. NDRmZWM1MmZkNWQzMjE3MDdiMmFiNGU0ZGM5ZGExYjg3MGExNjc4YTUyNzNj Whole dryer sheet retrieved! MDM0MjVjNDE4MTA3MmZlNmY2MTk5OGFlOTJhZThmNTk1YmQ2ZTllMWQ5MmI0 But why are they toxic to pets? @ethorn13, t behind not using dryer sheets is that your baby may be sensitive to the chemicals/scents used in the dryer sheet. Learn more. The chemicals in dryer sheets can cause skin irritation if they come into direct contact with your pets skin. ZGE0ZTY4N2IxYjljOWE5ODE3MjA3MDVlODRlOTFiZWNiZjc1OTZhMTM1ZmU3 Additionally, ingested used dryer sheets can still lead to intestinal blockage. ExcitedCats is reader-supported. Your cat might find a random dryer sheet to lick or eat. In addition, some of these chemicals can lead to lung damage, central nervous system depression, and acute kidney disease. YjU2YjA4MGYzYmY4MGQ4MGQzNDRiYjY3YThiMDJiNGQyOTVhMmZhYTEwMWQz NGI5MjQ1OTQ4YTgzZDUwNjczMjUwNDU5NDBhNTU5MjJkYTBkZmE5NTYyMjZj 13. So any ideas? NmNmN2EwNWZmY2MwYWRhZmExYWFkZmYwM2UwZWQwZWQ3NWUwYzg2MzE3NDM2 Cats love to bury themselves under recently dried clothing, towels and blankets in an effort to soak up the heat. NWIxYTQ5NzE0MzcwYjAzMTg0ZTA4OTY1MmQ2ODZmYjkyNWU4NGNmMWEwNTY1 It was torn to pieces, not sure if she did it with her teeth or with her claws. MTY3ZTMzOTRjMjFjN2IyOTQxNjc2MmYzN2IxNmQ4ZWM1YzJiMWRlN2I4NjUy Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. So he isnt going to be around them anymore that also mean my dog doesnt play in them either. In many cases, GI obstructions need to be removed surgically or via endoscopy. Its also not a good idea to let your cat interact with the clothes coming out of the dryer since they may have traces of chemicals on them. Waiting on bowel movements but this just happened. Another chemical found in dryer sheets is fragrance. Fun/play (cats often enjoy the texture) Teething in kittens. Pets are a part of the family and as such pet owners like to take care and precautions with them. The same paws that play with the dryer sheet are the ones kitty licks and brushes across her fur when primping. YTdmYTEzYTZjMTk1Yzg1Y2RiNjE2M2JhZWU1NDNmMzEzNTc3ZTViYmRhNTYw Although used dryer sheets have lower concentrations of chemicals, it doesn't mean they are safe. I have had a couple of cats that liked to eat cobwebs. If you are concerned, just rewash the clothes. Gather all the details to share with the vet, such as the brand of the chemical, the time your cat ate it, approximately how much was eaten. Don't really know, this is funny this is exactly how the other posts were answered well so far noone had an answer. Get Our #1 Easy, Homemade Dog Food Recipe (Vet-Approved), 100% Free!!! Many GI obstructions need to be removed surgically, posing even more risk to the dog. Also, a cat that eats a dryer sheet ingestion may develop gastrointestinal obstruction. Ran to the store to buy hydrogen peroxide, asked the nice lady at the pharmacy for an oral syringe, came home and administered 12 mL (he's a big boy!) Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Don't use fabric softeners on your cats bedding as the residual chemicals can still cause problems. I get the really. Yes, it is safe for cats to play with wool dryer balls. To an animal, a washer or dryer may seem like an ideal place to take a nap or rest - especially if the machines are warm. However, you can use pet-safe dryer sheets discussed next. For more information, please see our Animal Poison Control Poisonous Household Products ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435 Have you ever wondered if a particular household cleaning product or human medication is poisonous to your pets? Ingesting fabric softener can be dangerous for cats, as it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Milk is also often used to coat the cats esophagus, which helps to reduce the burning caused by the chemicals and helps the pain your cat is in. Threw one in the bathroom trash can without thinking about it and I'm pretty sure he has eaten the entire thing.we usually catch him in the act and are able to take it away from him. Essex. OTVhMWIyYjkyODc3ODljOTFiY2RlMjBkMjAyOTBkOGY4YzVkYmJiOTk4NjE2 In serious cases, the ingestion of these harmful chemicals can lead to organ damage or central nervous system depression. In some cases, a cat may mistake fabric softener for food or water. NDFhMmNhZDRiYmYwZGVhNTA5ZWY0NzYyYmQzMzg1NGVkOWEzYjczOWVlMjI2 Finally, follow these tips to keep your cats safe in the laundry room: store laundry products out of reach, keep the door to the laundry room closed, and use pet-safe laundry products. You should still call your vet and consult with them to be safe. Since they become so light after being used and may even float around the house, pets become very attracted to their playful nature. Many cats love to snuggle up in warm, clean laundry. I always dry my cat separately on high and never have issues like op. If you have baked-on or stuck-on food in a pot or pan, place an unused non-woven polyester dryer sheet in the pan and fill it with hot water. Some owners have reported kidney failure in animals that have ingested dryer sheets. But animals lick their fur and the areas . Wool dryer balls are made from 100% wool and dont contain any toxic chemicals. Should I Use Fabric Softener when Washing a Cat Bed? 1 For some god awful reason my cat LOVES dryer sheets..we always try to keep them away and throw them away after a load of laundry. It is best to keep your cat from bonding with your clean laundry by closing the door to the laundry room or the area in which you are sorting and folding laundry. MDA2NTNkNTU1ZjA2MzZmNjMyMTU0OTYyODI3YmYxOWU1NTI3ZjY5ZGFlYjY4 there are some that are not egregiously expensive. Remember that cats are fastidious groomers and may get the chemicals in their mouth. People with pets like dogs or cats may have noticed that their little friends like to play with dryer sheets that they find in the laundry room, a laundry basket or just generally floating around the house or apartment. ZGMzNzYyZjdiYTM2N2QxODdiYzA3Yjc1NTI5YTRmNDI1NmQxZjIyNzg0Mjc3 So be careful of not leaving used or unused sheets around the floor of your house or apartment. Many cats love to snuggle up in warm, clean laundry. I currently live with two yorkies and a chihuahua mix. You can try using a pet-safe fabric softener when washing your cats bedding. Unused dryer sheets are definitely a greater threat since they still carry most of these chemicals, but even used ones are a problem. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Washington State University. They will be grateful to you! If your dog or cat is one who is obsessed with laundry dryer sheets, you should be aware of the potential danger these innocent-looking little sheets may pose to your pets. YjJhYzFlZWE4MjY5ZDRkMTkzYjVmM2U4N2MwZWEyOTg5OGRkNjM5NGIzNmMw "There are no ordinary cats. In short yes, it can be. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. OTQwMzEzNGIwMmZhYmM4YmVlYWMyMDg4NTAxODkzYjk4MDM2YTY3NDg0MmZl ZTFlMDYwMGQ2NTM0NDZhYTE4NWEyNmVhMTQ2ODI0ZjU0MmNlNjBlOWVlNDgx Ive heard conflicting answers all over the web some say its dangerous others say there nothing left in the dryer sheet after its used and it might be the animal fat in them. He was in a lot of pain before he passed on. If your cat vomits, has diarrhea, or seems to be in pain, take her to the vet immediately. Heres what you need to know about the dangers of dryer sheets for cats, and what to do if your pet has eaten one. Quickly pulled it out, brought it to the sink to rinse it off and lay it out and it's most definitely only half a sheet, with huge, ragged edges. Put on gloves and found the bits that looked like they could be dryer sheets - they looked more like mucous. If youve ever caught your cat licking or chewing on a dryer sheet, you may be wondering if its harmful. YWQxZDdlNDIwYmE4MzAxYjQyNWM2Y2I1NWM4MmNlOWMxMWI1ZDdmNjc1NzMz ZDg5ZWE3MjI2ZDM5YzNjZGU0MTM4ZjJlOGUxMDgxODc5M2UzM2ZlYjQxMWE4 YTFiOWZiMDlhZDcwODEwZTczZWQzYmEzZGNmMjJlMzY5NWQ5YmUwMTFiZTc4 The sheets could also be swallowed and plug your cat up, so do. Kidney failure is also one of the problems that can occur after ingestion of dryer sheet chemicals as are stomach and intestinal blockage. MmMyZjU2NzJjMDMwMmZmMTMxYjdlN2U0YWQ3MDk2NTkwZGRjMmZkMzRkYmZh Saved myself a $145 vet bill. It seems to only happen when she is happy and beginning to settle to sleep. MDI1YzNmZjdkMjU0MzZmNTc2ODllZDg4YzlmMWMxYmFkZmFlM2FiYTAwMjNk Low temp tumble for the cat. Dryer sheets are semi-rough, smell good, and slide around easily on hard flooring. No need to get rid of them. He doesnt eat them he just plays with them My dog does the same thing just rolls and rolls on them. If you think that your cat ate a dryer sheet or drank some liquid fabric softener, it is essential to contact your veterinarian immediately. If you do not have a laundry room with a door that closes, then the chemicals should be secured up high and behind secure cabinet doors. 1. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners usually contain harsh chemicals called cationic surfactants. NmIzMGNlNWJiZDU5NzM1ZmQzYTRiODMzOGE1NjhkYTQ5Y2VmMTY2ZDdkYTJk Getting a cat to drink milk coats the esophagus, helping to reduce the burning effects of the chemicals. MTAyMTBlZWM3OTUyMGNiZjg3ZDM4YWUxMGJjZWVhOWQzMzM5OTM5OWRjYmI4 You may think that something like a dryer sheet is safe, but it is actually a very dangerous thing for your cat to eat. So I guess its fine, but I still feel somewhat concerned about the toxicity issue (being woken up after 3 hours of sleep hasnt helped me logically process the situation either). MTY2NzJhOWFmNjVlMTFjMGVkM2JjNzcwNzc3OTg3YmQzMDMwZmEyNmIzMWYy ";"Time spent with a cat is never wasted. Choosing a Detergent to Help Eliminate Pet Odor in Bedding Yes if you use a pet-friendly fabric softener. They also bring plenty of odors, often in pet bedding, blankets, or your own sheets if Figaro or Fido likes to cuddle up. like jacq said, almost all dryer sheets are made with tallow, which is just another word for lard or animal fat. These chemicals are in high concentrations that are released in the dryer. If I would of known this would of never happened. Cats are expressive animals and, Is it possible to make a cat even more adorable? Their purpose is to soften fabrics and remove static. It looks like most of it is still there, so she didn't eat the whole thing. Try to bring the fabric softener packaging so your vet can determine exactly what your cat ate. The best way to prevent cats from eating dryer sheets is to keep them out of reach. They were both siamese mixes. If you must use fabric softener on pet bedding, be sure to use a pet-friendly product. In addition, most dryer sheets are made from synthetic materials that do not break down easily in the gastrointestinal tract. Gather all the details to share with the vet, such as the brand of the chemical, the time your cat ate it, approximately how much was eaten. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. It was torn to pieces, not sure if she did it with her teeth or with her claws. First, its important to understand how a dryer sheet works. MjQwOTUxOTIwNWJjZGY3OTQyNzhmODYwYjc2ZTQzOWE0ODJjMzc1ZWUzYjcy Some cats are attracted to the scent of the product, while others may be interested in the taste. I mean its like he is getting high it worse than stuffing his head in my shoes after ive been in them awhile. "~ Colette, "A loving cat can mend a wounded heart." Make sure you keep the dryer sheets away from your pet, and if you feel that your cat has eaten one, take it to a vet immediately. Found this: The Merck Veterinary Manual warns that cationic detergents, which are present in fabric softeners and dryer sheets, can cause a variety of problems for animals ranging from minor irritation to widespread systemic distress and pulmonary edema. Binx was found as a kitten under her house and has been part of the family ever since! Sooo I usually watch my 4 month old puppy like a HAWK but he somehow got ahold of a used dryer sheet and ingested at least a little bit of it before I was able to get it from him. Its best to keep the laundry door closed to keep your cat from entering at all times. YTQ1ZjkyZmE0ZDAzYTBlZGI3MWYwZDE1NWU0ZWIxZTczYzliNTlhZDRiZjll the tallow is what attracts them, and that wouldn't be so bad in and of itself, it's the other chemicals that are hazardous. Jenna Stregowski is the Pet Health and Behavior Editor for. I never used dryer sheets before and now I wish I never started using them. Dryer sheets are not meant to be wiped on animals. Appetite loss Drooling Burns on the inside of the mouth Depression Swollen tongue Increased respiratory noise 6 to 8 hours after ingestion Abdominal pain Fever Advanced white blood cell count The best way to prevent cats from eating dryer sheets is to keep them out of reach. If your cat ate a dryer sheet, she may have an upset stomach or even intestinal blockages. No. This information is not a substitute for a vets opinion. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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