Some HTML user agents are unable to interpret boolean attributes when these appear in their full (non-minimized) form, as required by XML 1.0. Personally, the less you write the better! Attribute minimization is not supported. Get started with $200 in free credit! You can play with html/xhtml by deleting tags at their middle and see the display and render working as fine as possible too. ' to work as expected in HTML 4 user agents. But in this case, it is completely avoidable since omitting the closing tag, causes extra spaces and newlines to be parsed as part of that element. It is intended to be used as a language for content that is both XML-conforming and, if some simple guidelines are Yes, some people write without it and always keep an eye of the circumstances, but for me that harms the readability of the code. For these definitions, see [HTML4] and [RFC2854] respectively. Just because you can, doesnt mean that you should. XHTML became popular when everyone believed XML and XML derivatives were the future. The system identifier may be changed to reflect local system conventions. Assessment: Structuring a page of content, From object to iframe other embedding technologies, HTML table advanced features and accessibility, Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas. xhtml is the base for xml datas integration at first, its a layout for xml supports at birth, and all xml derivatives. You are very likely writing HTML, the XHTML way. conforming to International Standard ISO 8879, and is widely regarded as the standard publishing language of the World Wide Element and attribute names must be in lower case. Next within the remaining possibilities, collecting personal data should be minimized. True B. Closing empty tags. The annotated contents of this file are available in this separate section for completeness.

corresponding items attribute requirements or the location allowing mixing of attributes. Other documents may supersede this document. This stems from when XHTML said that within the HTML that HTML element names should probably be in lowercase but would have to be if you wanted to validate your document as XML, and then if you did that you would have to type your references to them in your stylesheet in lowercase as well or otherwise the matching of elements in the HTML to their corresponding elements in the CSS would not work. Copyright 2002 HTML permits attribute minimization, where boolean attributes can have their value omitted entirely, e.g.,