Sensor not or badly connected. Sensor fault. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting and Maintenance 6-2 Troubleshooting Safety Messages Please read the following safety messages before troubleshooting or performing maintenance on the inverter and motor system. The system can freeze up if it is not in use,e.g. Copyright Privacy Policy - Contact - Sitemap, Open the servicing cocks. possible fault Primary system water pressure too low (< 0.5 bar). 0000000768 00000 n Remove the burner door casing or the burner hoodfrom the boiler itself. The fault will typically be related to circulation issues. If all ok and E133 persists - contact Engineer to visit & investigate. The minimum appliance operating temperatures are listed in the table below. The heating water temperature need to be minimum70 C. Replace the cable loom or the affected part thereof. possible fault Failure to light (could be gas supply issue). Attention Pressure gauge class 1.0 should be used for the pressure test purposes. 0000061371 00000 n 0000000671 00000 n stream Book the time at the end of installation and commissioning so that heating engineer can train you properly in boilersoperation system. possible fault Permanent Fault - Flow temperature sensor short-circuited. Replace the tacho wire. Do not pull or move side to side the UBA 3 during loosening or tightening of UBA 3 fastening screw! Defective gas/air unit. possible fault Domestic Hot Water NTC sensor fault (s.c.) OR Domestic Hot Water NTC sensor fault (o.c.). The burner ignition transformer may getdamaged once you press the reset buttonmore than three times one after another whenburner refuses to start. installer action Check that the gas supply is available. Low system pressure (less than 0.5bar) boiler will not function. Fill and bleed the heating system. We also have an comprehensive troubleshooting guide which is easy to use. The high efficiency Miura Boiler has won numerous awards from engineering societies and gas associations because it is a compact, safe, cost-effective boiler. Sensor not or badly connected. water should be drained always at the loest system point via cut draining valve. Make sure that the boiler room is always free from frost, Material losses- through system damage caused by not proper maintenance and/or cleaning. <>/PageLayout/OneColumn/PageMode/UseNone/Pages 15 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> Boiler Miura MTU-100 UL Engineering, Installation And Service Manual Multiple installation online communication (mom) (13 pages) Summary of Contents for Miura LX Series Page 1 STEAM BOILER INSPECTION MANUAL MIURA BOILER Co.,LTD MIURA MANUFACTURING AMERICA Co.,LTD Boiler Inspection Manual Number : T519-998-9031 Date of issue : Sep. 15, 2009. Remember that system may get damaged throughover-pressure. Replace the cable loom or the affected part thereof. After this release and remove the anchor rods. Bad connection. We recommend to use those tables for proper communication with Buderus customer service or boiler service engineer. hs.src = ('//'); (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); Especially because the statistics show that Buderus boiler faults occur mostly due to two reasons, As mentioned above there aretwo types of faults burner faults and thecontrol device and heating system faults. Boiler has attempted to light 5 times and failed, possible fault Central Heating Thermistor Senor Fault, installer action Ensure radiators are bled of air, installer action Add water to the system via filling loop, possible fault Primary Water Circulation Fault, installer action This may follow a power cut, try reset, installer action Check gas is turned on, if prepayment meter check there is credit. 0000027883 00000 n 2927 B. Flame failed during burner operation. endobj Automated Scheduled TestingPeriodically samples softened water, and performs colorimetric analysis to determine hardness concentration. Keep away from any naked flames, dont use lighters. Never hang washing to dry in the boiler room, Material losses- through system damage caused by frost. [Giq@5` * Separate the leaking boiler by driving flat wedges orchisels into the leaking part. Fault in air/gas unit. When an alarm or caution is signaled, the Colormetry unit displays the alarm fault codes that assist the operator in resolving the problem and sends fault code information to the Miura Online Maintenance (MOM) program. Ventilation not good enough can lead to dangerous flue gas leaks. <> If you can smell gas then there is a risk of explosion. Replace the supply, safety and/or return sensors. Replace the supply and/or safety sensors. Description. Sensor fault. possible fault BL terminals on User Interaction, Controller are open circuit, possible fault No flame detected during operation, possible fault Bad connection or wiring fault, Internal communication fault, possible fault Parameter error or faulty PU, Configuration error or PCB fault, possible fault possible fault Internal fault in combustion control unit, possible fault Bad connection to flow or return temperature sensor, possible fault Over-temperature thermostat on heat exchanger activated, No water flow through heat exchanger, PCB over-temperature condition, Flue fault resulting in, Recirculation or activation of airpressure switch (if fitted), possible fault No ignition, No flame detected following ignition, False flame signal detected, possible fault Fan calibration error, Fan failure, possible fault Bad connection to PU, Parameter error or faulty PU, possible fault possible fault Bad connection or wiring fault, Parameter error, possible fault Gas valve connection cable, possible fault Central heating NTC fault, possible fault Central heating return NTC fault, possible fault Safety thermostat operated, possible fault Primary system water pressure too low, possible fault Circulation fault (primary), possible fault Interruption of gas supply or flame failure, possible fault Interruption of gas supply (internal error), possible fault Flow/ return sensor temperature test, possible fault Circulation fault (Dry fire), possible fault Central Heating Thermistor Sensor Fault, possible fault Water Pressure Sensor Fault, possible fault Internal Clock Time Error on PCB. Dismantle the fuse holder by loosening the bayonet connector, 8. Buderus boilersrequire acorrect fuel to ensure a properoperation. The burner door should be closed with both hexagon bolts. Sensor not or badly connected. Sensor not or badly connected. possible fault Temporary Fault- Incorrect configuration settings C1/C2. installer action Bleed radiators, check system water pressure and refill via filling loop if low, possible fault Legionella Protection Temperature not reached, possible fault Loss of flame during operation, possible fault Safety time to establish flame exceeded, installer action Check gas is turned on, if prepayment meter check there is credit. If the operating pressure is too low (the pressure gaugeneedle indicates below the green field) top the system upwith water. endobj Miuras Colormetry Hardness Detector solves problems of incorrect readings and time-consuming manual checks by sampling the systems softened water and testing for the presence of harmful contaminants that should have been removed by the softener system. The cause has to be remedied and the boiler resumes regular operation. Usage of proper water results in economical system usage as well as its energy efficiency and operational reliability. BP-201STA This document was formulated in Japan. The pressure gauge marker in case ofsealed systems must bewithin the green field. installer action Temporary error, self reset, if continues will go to 3 red flashes, possible fault Communication error between PCB and Control. 0000036241 00000 n The burner door should be closed the burner plug should be plugged and now you should startthe heating system. (Safety thermostat open-circuited). Sensor error. Have the electrical system tested. Non-existent or insufficient circulation. xc```f``c`a`_ L@qV gh[87&^rf0H0q7j0dB*,a,@| @ Open a thermostatic valve. 0000001400 00000 n If the burner is being held off due to a soft lockout, the display alternates between showing "9" followed by boiler outlet temperature and "b" followed by the 2-digit codes below. %PDF-1.3 % If you suspect the hub joint leaking you need to primarily drain the water throughthe fill & drain valve. Hardened or damaged packing cord must be replaced! These timed increments can be set from every 30 minutes to every 240 minutes. An ionization current was measured before the burner start. Otherwise system pressure should be checkedpressure monthly, if the heatingsystem still loses volume. _Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']); Inappropriate operation of Buderusboilers maylead to material losses, heath and life danger: 1. Fueloperating condition can be easily achieved by the controls monitoring the boiler temperature and reducing the flowrate through the boiler until the required temperature is reached. During the annual service your boiler will be cleaned, used parts will be replaced and the whole system will be refilled with make up water and air vented. You should contact your installer or service engineer if you need to regularly re-fill the system as there may be a leakage in the system and leak testing should be performed, because pressure, control and safety equipmentmay be damaged through excessivepressure. Ionization current present even though there is no flame. Restore the contact between the UBA 3 and the UBA 3 mounting base, No temperature increase after burner start or the temperature difference between the supply and safety sensors is more than 27 F (15 K), The temperature difference between the supply and safety sensors is more than 27 F (15 K), The primary circulation pump does not generate a pressure difference. OR iii) Safety thermostat sensor tripped. Switch off the power supply of the heating system on the circuit breaker, 2. External connection board fuse replacement, 4. installer action This is a temporary error and will clear automatically. through a shut-down because offault(s). Non-existent or insufficient circulation. Miura Boiler Manuals. Non-existent or insufficient circulation. MIURA CO., LTD. Ship Machinery Dept.Maintenance Div. Non-existent or insufficient circulation. Gas valve not detected. Fault Codes 9, 15, or 18 - Flame sensed when not expected Make sure there is no flame present in combustion chamber Remove the UV scanner from pilot still wired up and see if it is strobing. Replace if necessary. The air fan has failed during the operating phase. Sensor error. !WsbtmH9' (Cm*uep/$=}YS/Smlv=fEh4T^SU t,{Vo$xv.ue 6R:_o9NIq-xy/byxDU_-L_KU}TY?K{XM2fa)UaUA.4p]>B&aNZF9]S-U^c^ 6?yF5~}oCI[g{Xze6\.8=>b8( HAjpLH7n_bcqrv^. The benefit of the conductivity-type . possible fault Temporary Fault - No circulation of water. Preparing for a leak test- close all boiler hubs,the flow and return connections (fit the air ventvalve to the connecting block Rp 34. possible fault Central heating return NTC fault. 0000008684 00000 n Before you start the boiler make sure that:the system water pressure is at the proper level, emergency stop switch of the the heating system is ONand the fuel supply to the main fuel shut-off valveis open. This saves valuable boiler operator time and ensures accurate results from every test. Find out more about our cookies. var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true; 20 0 obj Deal with blockage. Sensor not or badly connected. possible fault Permanent Fault - Temperature measured by return sensor greater than flow sensor. Sensor fault. Remember that reducing the minimumclearances makes the boiler more difficult to access for safety and service purposes.The foundation where boiler will be standing needs to be level and flat. possible fault Circulation fault (dry fire). Replace the primary circulation pump. Where possible install the boiler with the recommendedwall clearances (values shown table below). After your boiler is successfully commissioned, person responsible for installation will write down the exact type of fuel for your system into the service book/ users manual. })(); Mitra Boiler adalah Perusahan penyedia Barang dan Jasa, PT Indira Dwi Mitra Kawasan Pergudangan LAKSANA BUSINESS PARK Blok No. possible fault Permanent Fault - Return temperature sensor open-circuit. In instances where the display code is a fault code, this fault code either flashes (locked fault code) in the display or it is shown permanently (blocking fault code). Once achieved you can shut down the heating system and brush out the hot gas flues. Replace the UBA 3, Press the Reset button, if fault persist contact your installer, The supply sensor has measured a temperature higher than 203 F (95 C). To remedy burner faults you should remove the burner hood, if the boiler has an integralburner. Baxi 200 Combi / Baxi 400 Combi Baxi Platinum+ 40kW Baxi 600 Combi / Baxi 800 Combi Baxi 600 Heat / Main Eco Compact Heat Fill and bleed the heating system. Then you should close the mains gas, and that can be achieved by closing off the mains valve, immediately open all doors and windows. Your partner in Energy, Water, and the Environment. Reset button has been pressed. Open a thermostatic valve. var _Hasync= _Hasync|| []; No ionization current. Set the main switch on the BC10 to 1 (On), 2. %%EOF Contact your dealer or MIURA sales office for further inquiry regarding this document. possible fault Temporary Fault - Maximum difference between the flow and return temperature exceeded. 0000004394 00000 n Sensor fault. In most cases those faults can be remedied by simply resetting the burner/ resetting the appliance (look below procedure on how to reset the boiler). 4. If you are a new system owner we would recommend to check your heating system waterpressure first on a dailybasis, and thereafter at increasing intervals. Bad connection. In addition, the gage glass is typically used to confirm the water level prior to starting up the boiler. Defective gas/air unit. In other dangerous circumstances, isolate the main fuelshut-off valve and the electrical power supply of thesystem. Fit the correct gas orifice. Sensor fault. j=F0&Lo%m. 28 0 obj <>stream These boilers are operated with the 2000 or/and 4000 series controlsystems. Miura Boiler Manual Pdf. Your heating, hot water boiler may be switched off when it wont be use for a longer period of time (weeks, months). possible fault Maximum Limit of Flow Temperature, installer action Bleed water from radiators, installer action Add water via filling loop, possible fault System Pressure Low (<0.5 bar). Sensor fault. 0000003056 00000 n 6 All MIURA steam boilers are fully packaged and test fired at factory. possible fault Temporary Fault - Communication error with the HMI PCB. 1. Fill and bleed the heating system. If all ok and this fault persists - contact engineer to visit and investigate, possible fault Forced reset unit unlocked, possible fault Heating flow switch error (Ireland) Pressure Sensor Error (UK), possible fault Heat exchanger temperature exceeded (greater than 95 degrees). About; Features; Apps; Browser Extension; Support. When a Miura boiler receives a hardness caution, the boiler responds by temporarily increasing the surface blowdown to prevent scale formation. Replace the primary circulation pump. Pakuhaji Tangerang Banten 15570, Telepon: 021-222 59 400 Telepon: 021-593 71 687 Ponsel: 0895 3287 02165, PUSAT FABRIKASI BOILER~ Fabrikasi boiler dan Thermal Oil Heater, Search results for "miura-boiler-fault-codes". z Provide a ground fault interrupter with an overcurrent-protection function to prevent electric shock. Then remove the water pipes and thethe feed pipe. If there are more than once display codes at the same time, the display codes will be shown in turn. The return sensor has measured a temperature higher than 203 F (95 C). MIURA BOILER WEST, INC. possible fault Permanent Fault - Critical flow temperature reached. Aiming at enhancing our service systems, MIURA developed the first 24-hour online maintenance system seen in the boiler industry. Replace the supply and/or safety sensors. The Miura EX Series steam boilers, with gas and oil fuel options, are ideal for hospitals and other facilities that are required to have a secondary fuel source Features A once-through, forced-flow, steam generator design provides full output within 5 minutes Gas-Oil dual fuel burner possible fault Interruption of gas supply (internal error). Page 1 MIURA STEAM BOILER OPERATION MANUAL LX-50 LXL-50 LX-100 LXL-100 LX-150 LXL-150 LX-200 LXL-200 LXH-200 LX-300 LXH-300 INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. Operating conditions on Buderus G and GE cast iron boilers. possible fault Permanent Fault - Problem with gas valve. If broken, replace it with a (new) ceramic fuse 5 amps, 250V fast blow (F5AH, 250V), 8. Bad connection. Bleed the gas supply pipe. Buderus 500, Buderus 600, Boulter Bonus, Boulter Economy Combi and Eco System. 0000002825 00000 n Bleed the heating system. Hubs need to be cleaned beforere-assembly.New nipples shouldbe used and and new packing cord. At 10% to 40% fuel savings, Miura can save about $200,000 per year in fuel for a typical 600 BHP steam system (assuming fuel cost of $0.90 / them) with reduced CO Loosen the fastening screw of the UBA 3 by turning it counterclockwiseas shown on the picture below, 5. possible fault Permanent Fault - False flame signal. Sensor not, or badly connected. Two display codes will also be shown. Fit the casing, 11.Switch on the power supply of the heating system on the circuit breaker. Clean or replace the blower. _Hasync.push(['Histats.track_hits', '']); <<399A77591D74F084DEDF1D70DAF90F31>]/Info 16 0 R/Prev 80673/Root 18 0 R/Size 38>> Verify position of thepacking cord on the burner door. Replace the primary circulation pump. possible fault Permanent Fault - Flue temperature sensor short-circuited. possible fault Permanent Fault Requiring Reset - Incorrect fan speed. Connect the expansion tank to the return conduit. possible fault Permanent Fault Requiring Reset - Temperature measured by return sensor greater than flow temperature. Fill and bleed the heating system. The pre-treated water normally used for the system topping is called- make up water. Check the circuit continuity through the fuse using the volt-ohm multimeter. Set the main switch on the BC10 to 1 (On). All Buderus oil and gas boilers for your home including parts, troubleshooting and efficiency! endstream Read and obey all the safety instructions and theoperators instructions thanks to which you will be able to provide economical,safe and environmentally-friendly appliance usage. While wet-cleaning you should follow the same steps in the same order as described forcleaning with brushes, but you need to pay attention to the cleaning agent functionality, in some instances you will need to cover the control device with plastic to prevent sprayfrom entering the control device. Sensor error. z Use a supplied wire or a larger cross section, or the wire may overheat and cause a fire. Replace the primary circulation pump. This is can be kept by controlling flow comparing to temperature of the boiler. Defective gas/air unit. Sensor error. Remember that you can damage the systemthrough frequent activation of the resetbutton. L Fault Codes: Normally it can be managed by the Buderus 4000 control panel, but that can also be achieved by simple BMS usage. possible fault Permanent Fault - Flue temperature sensor open-circuited. A boiler reset is only necessary with a locking fault code (flashing). Water present in the heating system is the heat transferer. Set the main switch on the BC10 to 0 (Off), 4. The gas valve relay is defective - press the reset button and apply burner start, wait to see if fault reoccurs, if it does the gas valve needs replacing. You will also maintainthe highest level of environmentallyresponsible combustion. Replace the supply cord. Show. 17 0 obj Re-install the cover on the connection box, 10. If possible try lighting a gas cooker or fire. Flow rate can be reduced bymodulating the boiler primary pumps, closing the valves on the mixed heatingcircuits. In those cases where it is difficult to regulate the proper flow, fitting a shunt pumpcircuit is recommended. Then, the leaking tank will be regenerated via a saline wash to replenish the softener resins effectiveness. HVn6+*`MjyS E%D:NS$]>94'>+)-L,uNPm?+NF+2W:I 4T]%;G uvb. PCB not configured. Miura Boiler: List of Devices # Model Type of Document; 1: Miura EX-300: Miura Boiler EX-300 Installation manual (61 pages) 2: Miura BP-201STA: Contact a Miura rep in your area or call us at 1- 678-685-0929 to find out more about Miura's pressure vessel guarantee. The burner ignition transformer may getdamaged once you press the reset buttonmore than three times in one after another ifburner refuses to start. Try to undo the jam or replace the primary circulation pump. Bad connection. Restore the contact between the UBA 3 and the UBA 3 mounting base. This product is already in your quote request list. 12. installer action This error, if it persists, will be followed by E125, possible fault Incoming Voltage less then 180V, possible fault Low voltage wiring harness fault, possible fault Gas valve connection fault, possible fault Central heating thermistor sensor fault, possible fault Central heating return thermistor fault, possible fault Water pressure sensor fault, possible fault Combustion test alarm during auto-setting, possible fault System pressure high (>2.9 Bar), possible fault System pressure low( < 0.5bar), possible fault Primary water circulation fault, possible fault Loss of flame during calibration, possible fault Not water thermistor fault, possible fault Flame detected when gas valve off, possible fault Low voltage (less than 195v), possible fault Heat exchanger thermal fuse tripped, User action Temporary error, self reset, if continues will go to 3 red flashes, Registered office address: Baxi Heating UK Limited, Brooks House, Coventry Road, Warwick, United Kingdom, CV34 4LL, Company registered in England and Wales: 3879156, Baxi 600 System / Baxi 800 System / Baxi 600 LPG.